By: Allen L. Schirm John L. Czajka May 17, 2000
Displaying 3601 - 3650 of 4407
Minutes of the Technical Assistance Workshop, May 3-5, 2000
This technical assistance workshop was the third in a series of technical assistance workshops hosted by the Chapin Hall Center for Children for participating states in the Child Indicators Initiative. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sponsors the Advancing States Child Indicator Initiatives Project.
Post-Acute Care Issues for Medicare: Interviews with Provider and Consumer Groups, and Researchers and Policy Analysts
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Child Care Quality: Does It Matter and Does It Need to be Improved?
Child Care Quality: Does it Matter and Does It Need to be Improved? Executive Summary
Medicare+Choice: Payment and Service Areas
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 included a number of changes to Medicare managed care. The newly created Medicare+Choice program differs from its predecessor with regard to payment policies, enrollment and disenrollment policies, and the types of plans that can contract to provide care to Medicare beneficiaries.
Post-Acute Care Issues for Medicare: Interviews with Provider and Consumer Groups, and Researchers and Policy Analysts
Post-Acute Care & Services
Widespread interest in Medicare post-acute care issues, particularly after the Balanced Budget Act (BBA) passed, prompted DALTCP to sponsor an "early indication" qualitative study of the potential effects of the BBA provisions and other related issues.
Employer Decision Making Regarding Health Insurance
Summaries of Meetings Held with Senior Corporate Managers on Private Employer Strategies and Issues Affecting Health Care Coverage
Assessment of Major Federal Data Sets for Analyses of Hispanic and Asian or Pacific Islander Subgroups and Native Americans: Inventory of Selected Existing Federal Databases
By: Joseph Waksberg Daniel Levine David Marker Submitted to:U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Action Against Asthma: A Strategic Plan for the Department of Health and Human Services
PrologueWe are facing an asthma epidemic. Through newspaper stories and personal experiences, we hear more about asthma every day. A child at school has an asthma attack in the classroom. The radio reports an air pollution alert, warning anyone with breathing problems to stay indoors. The local school board debates a policy on students carrying inhaler medications.
Post-Acute Care Issues for Medicare: Interviews with Provider and Consumer Groups, and Researchers and Policy Analysts
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Effects of Trigger Events on Changes in Children's Health Insurance Coverage
Changes in children's health insurance coverage occur with far greater frequency than the modest year-to-year changes in the proportion uninsured or the proportion with different types of coverage would suggest.
Effects of Trigger Events on Changes in Children's Health Insurance Coverage
This report examines the role of "trigger events" — primarily changes in the family economic situation or family composition — in bringing about these changes in health insurance coverage. In short, we ask whether there are other changes in the family that may explain the occurrence of these changes in coverage or their timing.
The Effects of Trigger Events on Changes in Children's Health Insurance Coverage
By: John L. Czajka Cara Olsen Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. Washington, D.C. April 18, 2000 Submitted to:Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Welfare Leavers and Medicaid Dynamics: Five States in 1995
By Marilyn Ellwood & Carol Irvin Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. 50 Church Street, Fourth Floor Cambridge, MA 02138 April 14, 2000
The Use of Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facilities Among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Prescription Drug Coverage, Spending, Utilization, and Prices
Prescription drugs play an ever-increasing role in modern medicine. New medications are improving health outcomes and quality of life, replacing surgery and other invasive treatments, and quickening recovery for patients who receive these treatments. As important as prescription drugs are, not everyone has access to them.
Multivariate Analysis of Patterns of Informal and Formal Caregiving among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders Living in the Community - Executive Summary
Marc A. Cohen, Ph.D. Vice President, LifePlans, Inc. President, Center for Health and Long-Term Care Research Maurice Weinrobe, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, Clark University Jessica Miller, M.S.
The Use of Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facilities Among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders
The purpose of this report is to provide basic descriptive statistics on disabled private long-term care insurance policyholders who have accessed long-term care benefits in institutional settings, and to compare such data and findings to non-privately insured institutionalized elders.
Multivariate Analysis of Patterns of Informal and Formal Caregiving among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders Living in the Community
Marc A. Cohen, Ph.D. Vice President, LifePlans, Inc. President, Center for Health and Long-Term Care Research Maurice Weinrobe, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, Clark University
Report to the President: Prescription Drug Coverage, Spending, Utilization, and Prices.
Executive Summary
Prescription drugs play an ever-increasing role in modern medicine. New medications are improving health outcomes and quality of life, replacing surgery and other invasive treatments, and quickening recovery for patients who receive these treatments. As important as prescription drugs are, not everyone has access to them.
The Use of Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facilities Among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Dynamics of Children's Movement Among the AFDC, Medicaid, and Foster Care Programs Prior to Welfare Reform: 1995-1996
Policy changes may have both positive and negative effects on programs that are not the primary target of the policy. Policymakers hope that the potential negative effects are minimized and do not outweigh the positive effects on the target program as well as on other programs.
Dynamics of Children's Movement Among the AFDC, Medicaid, and Foster Care Programs Prior to Welfare Reform: 1995–1996
Prepared by: Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago Center for Social Services Research, University of California, Berkeley School of Social Work, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill American Institutes for Research, Prime Contractor
Coordination and Integration of Welfare and Workforce Development Systems
Study Methods Coordination and Client Services Advantages of Coordination for the Client Factors that Promote Coordination Challenges to Coordination
Coordination and Integration of Welfare and Workforce Development Systems
Nancy Pindus Robin Koralek Karin Martinson John Trutko
Hospice Benefits and Utilization in the Large Employer Market
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Important Questions for Hospice in the Next Century
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Important Questions for Hospice in the Next Century
Executive Summary
Indicators of Welfare Dependence: Annual Report to Congress, 2000
The Welfare Indicators Act of 1994 requires the Department of Health and Human Services to prepare annual reports to Congress on indicators and predictors of welfare dependence.
Synthesis and Analysis of Medicare's Hospice Benefit: Executive Summary and Recommendations
Hospice, Palliative Care
Important Questions for Hospice in the Next Century
Hospice, Palliative Care
This report contains six main sections. The first focuses on hospice coverage policies and reviews the history of the Medicare hospice benefit, its current structure, and its influence on care of the dying. Also included is a description of hospice care covered by other insurers including state Medicaid programs and private employers.
Hospice Benefits and Utilization in the Large Employer Market
This study is part of a larger project exploring the use of hospice benefits and services provided by the Medicare program and to those who are privately insured. The MEDSTAT Group's contribution to the larger study is an examination of hospice benefits in commercial plans and the use of hospice benefits by persons commercially insured.
Outcomes and Utilization for Hospice and Non-Hospice Nursing Facility Decedents
This comparative study first identifies and describes two cohorts of nursing facility decedents, those that did and did not elect Medicare hospice. Then, using data for up to one year prior to death, the study characterizes utilization and quality of care for these two cohorts.
Medicare's Hospice Benefit: Use and Expenditures, 1996 Cohort
Hospice, Palliative Care
This report presents information on Medicare's hospice benefit who is using it, how it is being used, what costs are associated with its use, what costs precede hospice enrollment and how these vary by type of enrollee.
Indicators of Welfare Dependence: Annual Report to Congress, 2000
Prepared by Staff of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Synthesis and Analysis of Medicare's Hospice Benefit: Executive Summary and Recommendations
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Medicare's Hospice Benefit: Use and Expenditures, 1996 Cohort
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Outcomes and Utilization for Hospice and Non-Hospice Nursing Facility Decedents
Susan C. Miller, Pedro Gozalo and Vincent Mor Center for Gerontology and Health Care Research, Brown University PDF Version: (63 PDF pages)
Use of Medicare's Hospice Benefit by Nursing Facility Residents
Susan C. Miller, Pedro Gozalo and Vincent Mor Center for Gerontology and Health Care Research, Brown University This report was prepared under contract #100-97-0010 between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP) and the Urban Institute.
Hospice Benefits and Utilization in the Large Employer Market
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Important Questions for Hospice in the Next Century
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Important Questions for Hospice in the Next Century