Homelessness & Housing
Stable, affordable, accessible housing represents a key determinant of health and well-being. ASPE conducts work on the intersection of housing and well-being including coordinating HHS's responses to homelessness.
ASPE research identifies improved care coordination for older adults in affordable housing
ASPE-HUD research has shown that older adults in HUD-assisted housing include a large number of people with chronic health needs and/or high-risk individuals. In general, older adults receiving housing assistance report being in poorer health, having more chronic conditions, and experiencing a higher number of limitations in activities of daily living (ADL) than renters in unassisted housing. The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program in Vermont is a promising approach to providing support services and care coordination to older adults and individuals with disabilities, using affordable housing properties as a platform for service delivery. Under contract from HHS and HUD, RTI International conducted a mixed-methods evaluation of the SASH program. Below are select links to reports from the evaluation:
ASPE-HUD SASH Evaluation
• SASH Evaluation Highlights from 2010-2016
• SASH Evaluation Findings, 2010-2016
Partner Resources
ASPE is a contributing partner of the new HHS-HUD Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC). The HRSC implements a federally coordinated approach to providing resources, program guidance, training, and technical assistance to public housing authorities and housing providers; state Medicaid, disability, aging and behavioral health agencies; the aging and disability networks; homeless services organizations and networks; health care systems and providers; and tribal organizations. Visit the new HSRC webpage.
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