By: LaDonna Pavetti, Michelle Derr, Jacquelyn Anderson, Carole Trippe, and Sidnee Paschal
Displaying 3651 - 3700 of 4406
The Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator in the Oregon Health Plan
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator in the Oregon Health Plan
This report describes how the state of Oregon designed and implemented its Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator (ENCC) function, assesses the extent to which this role is meeting the state's objectives, and discusses design elements that support the state's objectives.
The Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator in the Oregon Health Plan
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services The Exception Needs Care Coordinator in the Oregon Health Plan
Advancing States' Child Indicator Initiatives: Promotional Indicators Forum
A Summary of a Meeting Attended by Grantees of the Advancing States' Child Indicator Initiatives Project and the STATES Initiative/Family Support America Project Saint Paul, February 3 & 4, 2000
Understanding the AFDC/TANF Child-Only Caseload: Policies, Composition, and Characteristics in Three States
Contents TANF Policies Summary of Key Findings
Early Implementation of the Welfare-to-Work Grants Program: Findings From Exploratory Site Visits and Review of Program Plans
INTRODUCTION The Welfare-to-Work (WtW) grants program was created under the 1997 Balanced Budget Act (BBA) to provide job opportunities, employment preparation, and job retention services for welfare recipients who are the hardest to employ.
Understanding the AFDC/TANF Child-Only Caseload: Policies, Composition, and Characteristics in Three States
Prepared for:
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Analysis of State Actions Regarding Donor Registries
The Lewin Group, Inc. for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Informal Caregivers of Disabled Elders with Long-Term Care Insurance
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Private Payers Serving Individuals with Disabilities and Chronic Conditions
Ronald J. Ozminkowski, Ph.D., Mark W. Smith, Ph.D., Rosanna M. Coffey, Ph.D., Tami L. Mark, Ph.D., Cheryl A. Neslusan, Ph.D., and John Drabek, Ph.D. The MEDSTAT Group
The Federal Role in the Move Toward Consumer Direction
This article is intended to provide historical perspective on the Federal Government's involvement in the Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation as an example of the federal role in consumer direction. Specifically, it describes how previous research and analysis led to DALTCP's interest in sponsoring this social experiment and shaped our thinking about its purpose and design.
Informal Caregivers of Disabled Elders with Long-Term Care Insurance
The purpose of this report is to provide basic descriptive statistics on the primary informal caregivers of disabled private long-term care insurance policyholders who have accessed long-term care benefits and are living in the community. Also compared are key characteristics of these individuals to informal caregivers of non-privately insured disabled elders. [54 PDF pages]
Private Payers Serving Individuals with Disabilities and Chronic Conditions
Ronald J. Ozminkowski, Ph.D., Mark W. Smith, Ph.D., Rosanna M. Coffey, Ph.D., Tami L. Mark, Ph.D., Cheryl A. Neslusan, Ph.D., and John Drabek, Ph.D. The MEDSTAT Group This report was prepared under contract #HHS-100-95-0044 between the U.S.
Trends in the Well-Being of America's Children and Youth, 2000
Child Welfare
AcknowledgmentsThis report, and its earlier editions, would not have been possible without the substantial support of the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics whose member agencies provided data and carefully reviewed relevant sections.
Performance Improvement 2000
ForewordPerformance Improvement 2000: Evaluation Activities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is the sixth annual report to Congress summarizing previous fiscal year evaluation efforts. The purpose of this report is to provide Congress with evaluative information on the Departments programs, policies, activities, and strategies.
Informal Caregivers of Disabled Elders with Long-Term Care Insurance
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
January 2000
PDF Version: (54 PDF pages)
Proceedings of the New England Meeting of the State Child Indicators Projects: Forum on School Readiness and Child Care Indicators
Hosted by Rhode Island KIDS COUNT Providence, December 2 & 3, 1999
Low-Wage Labor Market: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Self-Sufficiency
Contents Characterizing the Low-Wage Labor Market Policy Interventions Affecting Low-Wage Labor Markets Barriers to Entering the Low-Wage Labor Market Opportunities for Advancement and Benefits in the Low-Wage Labor Market
A National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Results of a National Survey of Facilities
Catherine Hawes, Ph.D., Miriam Rose, M.Ed., and Charles D. Phillips, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Myers Research Institute
December 14, 1999
This report was prepared under #HHS-100-94-0024 and #HHS-100-98-0013 between HHS's ASPE/DALTCP and the Research Triangle Institute.
A National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Results of a National Survey of Facilities
This report presents data from a telephone survey of the administrators of assisted living facilities across the country. These facilities were selected from a national probability sample of all facilities that met the criteria for inclusion in the study. Thus, the findings are representative of the industry as a whole.
The Low-Wage Labor Market: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Self-Sufficiency
PrefaceThis volume was prepared at the Urban Institute, a non-profit non-partisan research organization, for the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) of the U.S.
The Low-Wage Labor Market: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Self-Sufficiency. Low-Wage Labor Markets: The Business Cycle and Regional Differences
by David M. Smith and Stephen A. Woodbury
The Low-Wage Labor Market: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Self-Sufficiency. Mismatch in the Low-Wage Labor Market: Job Search Perspective
by Julia R. Henly
The Low-Wage Labor Market: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Self-Sufficiency. Work as a Stepping Stone for Welfare Recipients: What Is the Evidence?
by Peter Gottschalk
The Low-Wage Labor Market: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Self-Sufficiency. Defining and Characterizing the Low-Wage Labor Market
By Jared Bernstein and Heidi Hartmann #
Improving the Collection and Use of Racial and Ethnic Data in HHS
JOINT REPORT OF THE HHS Data Council Working Group on Racial and Ethnic Data AND The Data Work Group of the HHS Initiative to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health December, 1999
The Low-Wage Labor Market: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Self-Sufficiency. Does the Minimum Wage Help or Hurt Low-Wage Workers?
By Mark D. Turner
A National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Results of a National Survey of Facilities
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services A National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Results of a National Survey of Facilities
NRPM: Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information
Federal Register: November 3, 1999 [Proposed Rules] [Pages 59918-60065] [DOCID:fr03no99P] DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary 45 CFR Parts 160 through 164 Rin: 0991-AB08
Experiences of Virginia Time Limit Families in the Six Months After Case Closure: Results for an Early Cohort
Family Well-Being
Inventory of Child Care Research
Child Care
This table describes the current and recently completed child care research conducted by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG).
A National Study of Assisted Living for the Frail Elderly: Discharged Residents Telephone Survey Data Collection and Sampling Report
The Research Triangle Institute (RTI) conducted the Discharged Residents Survey for ASPE through a subcontract with Myers Research Institute (MRI). The survey was administered during June and July 1999. This report documents the data collection activities undertaken by RTI for the survey.