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ASPE uses and produces data as key components of its work. ASPE studies and assesses data and how it is captured, managed, analyzed and protected, including the interplay of the sources, systems, standards for data that support policy, practice and research. 

ASPE also co-chairs the HHS Data Council, which is the principal internal advisory body to the Secretary on health and human services data policy. The Council coordinates data policy activities in HHS, including the development and implementation of an HHS data strategy, and conducts research to improve long-term collection and use of HHS data. 

ASPE’s work involves many types of data produced by HHS and other governmental programs and other partners. For example: 

  • Through its Foundations for Evidence-Based Policies Act of 2018 (“Evidence Act”) and Data Council responsibilities, ASPE leads HHS efforts to improve the quality and accessibility of its data assets.
  • Through its investments under the aegis of the Office of the Secretary Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (OS-PCORTF), ASPE supports interoperability through such products as linked datasets involving mortality data, HL7 implementation guides in support of FHIR for research use of electronic health records, claims and other data, and natural language processing approaches.
  • Through the use of ASPE-developed supplemental data tables, ASPE has developed issue brief series examining options before and after the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP).
  • Through its issue briefs such as this brief on Medicare Telehealth utilization trends, ASPE provides unique and timely data and analyses on important policy issues.
  • Pursuant to the Social Security Act, ASPE annually calculates and publishes the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP), enhanced Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (e-FMAP), and disaster-recovery FMAP for all states, the District of Columbia, and territories. The FMAP is used to determine federal funding for Medicaid/CHIP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Contingency Funds, and other public programs. The FY 2022 FMAP notice was published in the Federal Register on November 30, 2020.


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ASPE Data Point

HHS Standard Values for Regulatory Analysis

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) analyzes the benefits, costs, and other impacts of significant proposed and final rulemakings, consistent with the requirements of several executive orders and statutes. HHS develops these analyses according to technical guidance published by the U.S.
ASPE Issue Brief

Postpartum Health Care Use in Medicaid During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Implications for Extending Postpartum Coverage

This Issue Brief provides a descriptive analysis of postpartum health care use among the Medicaid population before and during the PHE, when the continuous enrollment condition was in effect.
ASPE Issue Brief

Financial stress associated with oncology clinical trial participation

To understand the size and impact of costs to clinical trial participants, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) conducted an exploratory survey of 112 U.S. adults who participated in an oncology clinical trial between 2018-2024.
ASPE Issue Brief

The Impact of Alternative Payment Models on Medicare Spending and Quality, 2012-2022

We evaluated both the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Innovation Center (CMS Innovation Center) models and the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) and found that they have generated gross savings for all beneficiaries in the Traditional Medicare program while demonstrating positive impacts on selected quality measures.
ASPE Issue Brief

Medicare Part B Enrollee Use and Spending on Biosimilars, 2018-2023

Biosimilars provide competition for biologics, which account for a significant and growing portion of Medicare Part B drug spending. This report evaluates the current state of biosimilar competition in Medicare Part B and explores opportunities to achieve further savings.
ASPE Issue Brief, Report

Behavioral Health Crisis Services: Insurance Reimbursement

The National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) call for a sustainable infrastructure to respond to behavioral health crises, through crisis services that are accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Improving Economic Mobility through Child Support: Opportunities for Future Research

This two-pager presents knowledge gaps and research opportunities elevated during a national convening of child support and child poverty experts. The questions under each topic are opportunities where research can support child support program decision-making surrounding current issues elevated during the convening, though they do not cover the only important questions for study.
Fact Sheet, Report

Medicare Savings Programs: Eligibility and Enrollment Trends

Between 1988 and 1998, Congress established the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs). MSPs are Medicaid programs that subsidize the cost of Medicare premiums, deductibles, co-insurance, and other cost sharing for Medicare beneficiaries with low incomes.
ASPE Issue Brief

Inflation Reduction Act Research Series: Projecting the Impact of the $2,000 Part D Out-Of-Pocket Cap for Medicare Part D Enrollees with High Prescription Drug Spending

The Inflation Reduction Act includes many provisions that aim to reduce out-of-pocket spending for prescription drugs covered under Medicare Part D. In 2024, cost-sharing in the final phase of the Part D benefit, the catastrophic coverage phase, was eliminated.
Research Brief

Prevalence and Characteristics of Children Entering Foster Care to Receive Behavioral Health or Disability Services

Custody relinquishment occurs when children enter foster care primarily to receive behavioral health or disability services, not because of maltreatment. Parents may relinquish custody for a variety of reasons. Entering foster care could provide children with access to services that are otherwise unavailable due to limited capacity.