Health Information Technology (HIT) was identified as a critical component of the HHS Roadmap for Behavioral Health Integration. To support the implementation of the Roadmap, an ASPE study was conducted to provide an overview of HIT adoption and utilization among behavioral health providers.
Case Management
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Health Information Technology Adoption and Utilization in Behavioral Health Settings: Final Report
ASPE Issue Brief
Understanding the Optimal Balance of Using Telehealth and In-person Services to Support Adults with Serious Mental Illness and Children with Serious Emotional Disturbance
This brief summarizes findings from a research project that examined access to and use of tele-mental health services among individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) and children with serious emotional disturbance (SED) and behavioral health consumer and provider perceptions of the optimal balance of telehealth and in-person services for people with SMI and SED.
ASPE Issue Brief
Case Studies in Supporting Prevention through Human Services Program Integration
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been working with researchers, human services agency leaders, and persons with lived experience to visualize, describe, and document models of prevention within human services.
ASPE Issue Brief
Coordinating Integrated Prevention Approaches to Serve the Whole Person
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been working with researchers, human services agency leaders, and persons with lived experience to visualize, describe, and document models of prevention within human services.
ASPE Issue Brief
Integrating Services to Strengthen Children, Youth, and Families and Prevent Involvement in the Child Welfare System
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been working with researchers, human services agency leaders, and persons with lived experience to visualize, describe, and document models of primary prevention within human services.
Environmental Scan
Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care: An Environmental Scan
This report provides an overview of transition services for clients graduating from Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC). CSC Programs have been successfully implemented across the US, including through support from the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant set aside funds for people with early psychosis.
ASPE Issue Brief
Transition Options, Opportunities for Integration, and Funding Considerations Following Coordinated Specialty Care Issue Brief
This brief is the third publication from the Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care study. It provides a short overview of the different approaches to continuity of care for young adults who have attended CSC programs and explores avenues for integration within programs and organizations as a way to support young adults following a completion of a CSC program.
The Coordinated Specialty Care Transition Study: Final Report
The Coordinated Specialty Care Transition Study: Final Report provides an overview of transition services for clients graduating from Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC). This the second publication from the Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care study.
Network Adequacy for Behavioral Health: Existing Standards and Considerations for Designing Standards
Network adequacy is often defined as having enough providers within a health plan network to ensure reasonable and timely access to care. At a minimum, health plans should include a sufficient number of providers who deliver mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) services (collectively referred to in this report as behavioral health services) to support access to those services.
Virtual Case Management Considerations and Resources for Human Services Programs
By Annette Waters, Pamela Winston, and Robin Ghertner April 1, 2020