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Displaying 1301 - 1350 of 4409

The Importance of Contextual Fit when Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Washington, DC OFFICIAL BUSINESS Penalty for Private Use $300

The Importance of Contextual Fit when Implementing Evidence-Based Programs

This brief is one in a series exploring issues related to the implementation of evidence-based interventions.

Using Evidence-Based Constructs to Assess Extent of Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions

This brief is one in a series exploring issues related to the implementation of evidence-based interventions. It describes several constructs that can be used to describe, monitor, and facilitate implementation. It also describes how to apply these constructs in several ways, including data collection to monitor progress and developing an implementation monitoring plan.

A Temporary Haven: Children and Youth are Spending Less Time in Foster Care

This research brief highlights the gains the foster care system has made in safely discharging youth from foster care in a timely manner, particularly those entering foster care for the first time. For nearly two decades federal policies have emphasized the importance of reducing the lengths of stay in

Willing, Able-> Ready: Basics and Policy Implications of Readiness as a Key Component for Implementation of Evidence-based Interventions

This brief is one in a series exploring issues related to the implementation of evidence-based interventions. It describes the basics of readiness using the R=MC2 (Readiness = Motivation × General Capacity and Intervention-Specific Capacity) heuristic, examines some of the policy implications of readiness, and identifies directions for future research.

What Factors Affect Residential Care Facility Charges?

What Factors Affect Residential Care Facility Charges? Executive Summary September 2014 Sarita L. Karon, PhD, Joshua M. Wiener, PhD, Angela M.

What is the Effect of Dementia on Hospitalization and Emergency Department Use in Residential Care Facilities?

What is the Effect of Dementia on Hospitalization and Emergency Department Use in Residential Care Facilities? Executive Summary September 2014 Joshua M. Wiener, PhD, Zhanlian Feng, PhD, Laura A.

Support and Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: First Annual Report

September 2014   RTI International Abstract The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program in Vermont is a subcomponent of a larger Medicare demonstration--the Multi-payer Advanced Primary Ca

What Factors Affect Residential Care Facility Charges?

Sarita L. Karon, PhD, Joshua M. Wiener, PhD, Angela M.

Using Evidence-Based Constructs to Assess Extent of Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions


Rate Review Annual Report for Calendar Year 2013

This is the third Rate Review Annual Report issued by HHS. The report uses an analysis of 2013 data from 40 states in the individual market and 37 states in the small group market to estimate the impact of the Rate Review Program and the Rate Review Grant Program on premiums. Rate review reduced total U.S.

Support and Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: First Annual Report

Support and Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: First Annual Report September 2014 RTI International Abstract The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program in Vermont is a subcomponent of a larger Medicare demonstration--the Multi-payer Advanced Primary Care Practice demonstration. SASH is a model of care coordination centered on affordable housing sites for older adults.

Support and Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: First Annual Report

The Support And Services at Home (SASH) program in Vermont is a subcomponent of a larger Medicare demonstration--the Multi-payer Advanced Primary Care Practice (MAPCP) demonstration. SASH is a model of care coordination centered on affordable housing sites for older adults. This is an

Evaluation of the Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) Teams Pilot: Building a More Responsive Federal Workforce: Lessons from the SC2 Pilot

In 2011, the U.S. federal government launched the Strong Cities, Strong Communities Initiative, a new model of federal-local collaboration designed to (i) improve how the federal government invests in cities, (ii) offer technical assistance to support local priorities, and (iii) help to coordinate funds at the local, state, and federal level.

Evaluation of the Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) Teams Pilot: Final Report

The Strong Cities, Strong Communities Initiative (SC2) is a new interagency approach to partnering with cities for economic growth launched by the White House Domestic Policy Council in 2011.

Federal Role in Revitalizing Distressed Cities: Interagency Collaboration and Local Partnerships

The federal government has historically invested significant resources in the nation’s distressed cities.  However, the benefits of these investments have often not been fully realized.

Evaluation of the Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) Teams Pilot: Final Report

Prepared for: Jeff Simms Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Ave SW Washington, DC 20201

Building a More Responsive Federal Workforce: Lessons from the SC2 Pilot

In 2011, the U.S. federal government launched the Strong Cities, Strong Communities Initiative, a new model of federal-local collaboration designed to (i) improve how the federal government invests in cities, (ii) offer technical assistance to support local priorities, and (iii) help to coordinate funds at the local, state, and federal level.

Evaluation of the Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) Teams Pilot: Federal Role in Revitalizing Distressed Cities: Interagency Collaboration and Local Partnerships

The federal government has historically invested significant resources in the nation’s distressed cities. However, the benefits of these investments have often not been fully realized.

Medicaid and Permanent Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless Individuals: Emerging Practices From the Field

This is one of two reports examining the use of Medicaid to cover services for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, particularly in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). It describes existing practices in the field of communities currently serving homelessness and formerly homeless individuals Medicaid beneficiaries.

Medicaid and Permanent Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless Individuals: Emerging Practices From the Field

Medicaid and Permanent Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless Individuals: Emerging Practices From the Field Martha Burt, Carol Wilkins, and Gretchen Locke Abt Associates

Health Insurance Marketplace Premiums for 2014, September 2013

ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Health Insurance Marketplace Premiums for 2014 September 2013 Abstract

CHIPRA Mandated Evaluation of the Children’s Health Insurance Program: Final Findings

This report presents findings from an evaluation of CHIP mandated by CHIPRA and patterned after an earlier evaluation. Some of the evaluation findings are at the national level, while others focus on the 10 states selected for more intensive study: Alabama, California, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.

CHIPRA Mandated Evaluation of the Children's Health Insurance Program: Final Findings

Mathematica Policy Research Mary Harrington Kimberly Smith Christopher Trenholm Sean Orzol Sheila Hoag Joseph Zickafoose Claire Dye Connie Qian Tyler Fisher Lauren Hula

Medicare's Bending Cost Curve. July 28, 2014

Andre Chappel, Arpit Misra, Steven Sheingold Disclaimer: Persons with disabilities having problems accessing this document may call (202) 690-6870 for assistance.

Medicare Is Bending the Health Care Cost Curve

Medicare Is Bending the Health Care Cost Curve-Executive Summary

Examination of Clinical Trial Costs and Barriers for Drug Development

Pharmaceutical companies conduct clinical trials for many reasons. The most obvious goal of clinical trials is to demonstrate safety and efficacy to gain Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. FDA provides guidance to developers about what constitutes acceptable clinical trials and appropriate outcomes.

A Primer on Using Medicaid for People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness and Tenants in Permanent Supportive Housing

This is one of two reports examining the use of Medicaid to cover services for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, particularly in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). It provides a “how-to” guide on the various ways that Medicaid can cover such services, including the Medicaid authorities and new options provided under the Affordable Care Act.

A Primer on Using Medicaid for People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness and Tenants in Permanent Supportive Housing

This is one of two reports examining the use of Medicaid to cover services for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, particularly in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). It provides a “how-to” guide on the various ways that Medicaid can cover such services, including the Medicaid authorities and new options provided under the Affordable Care Act.

Examples of Promising Practices for Integrating and Coordinating Eligibility, Enrollment and Retention: Human Services and Health Programs Under the Affordable Care Act

Prepared by:Stan Dorn, Sarah Minton, and Erika Huber The Urban Institute Under Task Order: HHSP23337026T Integrating Health and Human Services Programs and Reaching Eligible Individuals Under the Affordable Care Act

Using Behavioral Economics to Inform the Integration of Human Services and Health Programs under the Affordable Care Act

Prepared by:Fredric Blavin, Stan Dorn, and Jay DevThe Urban InstituteUnder Task Order: HHSP23337026TIntegrating Health and Human Services Programs and Reaching Eligible Individuals Under the Affordable Care Act

Examples of Promising Practices for Integrating and Coordinating Eligibility, Enrollment and Retention: Human Services and Health Programs under the Affordable Care Act

This paper presents findings from case studies of selected state-level integration and coordination approaches under the ACA and identifies areas of notable success or potential which may be of interest to other states.

Using Behavioral Economics to Inform the Integration of Human Services and Health Programs under the Affordable Care Act

This paper examines opportunities to apply findings from behavioral economics and decision-making theory to two specific health/human services program interaction contexts: using targeted enrollment strategies to get SNAP recipients into Medicaid, and encouraging individuals seeking health insurance through state marketplaces to apply for SNAP.

Opportunities under the Affordable Care Act for Human Services Programs to Modernize Eligibility Systems and Expedite Eligibility Determination

This paper summarizes opportunities for states to utilize time-limited federal cost-sharing to modernize human services program eligibility systems and to use data from health programs to streamline eligibility determination for human services.

Opportunities under the Affordable Care Act for Human Services Programs to Modernize Eligibility Systems and Expedite Eligibility Determination

This paper summarizes opportunities for states to utilize time-limited federal cost-sharing to modernize human services program eligibility systems and to use data from health programs to streamline eligibility determination for human services.

NAPA Public Comment Attachment: Family Medicine Curriculum Resource

This PDF was submitted as an attachment to a Public Comment sent to the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services and/or the National Alzheimer's Project Act website.

Premium Affordability, Competition, and Choice in the Health Insurance Marketplace, 2014

Amy Burke, Arpit Misra, and Steven Sheingold Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

Rates and Timing of Medicaid Enrollment among Older Americans

Brenda Spillman and Timothy Waidmann Urban Institute June 2014 Printer Friendly Version in PDF Format: (37 PDF pages)

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