This paper describes the findings from nine Case Study states. These case studies were conducted: (1) To examine early implementation experience among the states in order to gain an understanding of the programmatic, fiscal, and political context in which design decisions were made.
Displaying 101 - 110 of 197. 10 per page. Page 11.
Advanced SearchHIGHLIGHTS: Inventory of Consumer-Directed Support Programs
"Consumer-direction" is a philosophy and orientation to the delivery of home and community-based long-term care that puts informed consumers and their families in the driver's seat with respect to making choices about how best to meet their disability-related supportive service needs.
The Graying of Medicare's Disabled Population: Implication for a Medicare Drug Benefit
This report is intended to provide policymakers with critical information on prescription coverage, use and cost for both younger and older disabled Medicare beneficiaries using data from the 1995-1998 Medicare Current Beneficiary Surveys. [27 PDF pages]
Independent Choices: National Symposium on Consumer-Directed Care and Self-Determination for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities - Summary Report
This report presents a summary of major findings and outcomes from the dialogues that took place at "Independent Choices: A National Symposium on Consumer-Direction and Self-Determination for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities" held in Washington, DC in June 2001.
Barriers to and Supports for Work Among Adults with Disabilities: Results from the NHIS-D
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The Role of Supports in Successful Labor Force Entry for Youth with Disabilities
This paper first summarizes programs that provide support during the school-to-work transition period, and how they have evolved in recent years. It then presents findings from focus groups conducted with individuals who acquired a significant disability during childhood or prior to gaining significant employment experience and who subsequently achieved a measure of employment success.
Research on Employment Supports for People with Disabilities: Summary of the Focus Group Findings
The Lewin Group, Inc. Berkeley Policy Associates, Cornell University
INDEPENDENT CHOICES: A National Symposium on Consumer-Direction and Self-Determination for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities
This package--distributed at a national conference held at the Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, Washington, D.C. on June 10-12, 2001--was prepared by the Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP) with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under Contract #HHS-100-97-0008.
Cash and Counseling: Early Experiences in Arkansas
This brief is based on Mathematica's evaluation of Cash and Counseling, a three-state demonstration in which Medicaid enrollees eligible for personal assistance services and other paid help around the home and community get a monthly cash allowance to purchase these services and related goods, instead of obtaining them through a home care agency.
Cash and Counseling: Consumer's Early Experiences in Arkansas
This paper describes the experiences of 194 early clients in the Arkansas Cash and Counseling Demonstration, IndependentChoices. The description is based on the clients' responses to a telephone survey conducted about nine months after they applied to enter the program and were randomly assigned to the demonstration's treatment group to receive a monthly cash allowance.