President Bush signed Executive Order 13217 on June 18, 2001, "to place qualified individuals with disabilities in community settings whenever as to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to live close to their families and friends, to live more independently, to engage in productive employment, and to participate in community life." This paper provides an overview of c
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A Compendium of Intervention and Descriptive Studies Designed to Promote the Health of Caregivers for Older Adults
Donna Rabiner, PhD, Janet O'Keeffe, PhD, and David Brown, MA RTI International
Enabling Personal Preference: The Implementation of the Cash and Counseling Demonstration in New Jersey
This report describes the design and implementation of Personal Preference, New Jersey's model of Cash and Counseling. It also draws lessons from the state's experience. The report is based primarily on in-person interviews conducted in April 2001, about 18 months after the program began enrolling beneficiaries (November 1999).
Changes in Elderly Disability Rates and the Implications for Health Care Utilization and Cost
Brenda C. Spillman Urban Institute February 3, 2003 This report was prepared under contract #HHS-100-97-0010 between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy and the Urban Institute.
An Overview of Programs and Initiatives Sponsored by DHHS to Promote Healthy Aging: A Background Paper for the Blueprint on Aging for the 21st Century Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting
Erik Crankshaw, MPH, Donna Rabiner, PhD, and Janet O'Keeffe, DrPH, RN RTI International
An Overview of Programs and Initiatives Sponsored by DHHS to Promote Healthy Aging: A Background Paper for the Blueprint on Aging for the 21st Century Technical Advisory Group Meeting
The primary purpose of this paper is to highlight current federal health promotion and disease prevention activities targeted for older persons. This material is organized by grouping activities into four topics that a panel of federal officials felt would help structure the discussions at the TAG meeting.
The Contribution of Medication Use to Recent Trends in Old-Age Functioning
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
State Welfare-to-Work Policies for People with Disabilities: Implementation Challenges and Considerations - Executive Summary
Pamela A. Holcomb and Terri S. Thompson The Urban Institute This report was prepared under contract #HHS-100-95-0021 between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP) and the Urban Institute.
A Compendium of HHS Technical Assistance Activities Related to the Administration's Community-Integration Initiative
To fulfill a Presidential mandate, the Department of Health and Human Services established the New Freedom Initiative Workgroup to review efforts that have been initiated in response to the Olmstead decision, and to recommit and refocus the Administration's efforts in promoting the full participation of adults with disabilities in community life.
Study of the Impact of Monitoring the Health Outcomes for Disabled
This study examines the impact of changes in Medicare home health policy mandated by the Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 on satisfaction with care for disabled Medicare beneficiaries. The BBA mandated major changes in home health payment requiring the implementation of a Prospective Payment System (PPS) and an Interim Payment System (IPS) prior to the implementation of PPS.