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Displaying 121 - 130 of 197. 10 per page. Page 13.
Advanced SearchIn-Home Supportive Services for the Elderly and Disabled: A Comparison of Client-Directed and Professional Management Models of Services Delivery--Non-Technical Summary Report
Elderly and younger persons with disabilities who require help from others to perform many of the most ordinary activities of daily living are said to require "long-term care." These services, when provided in the home or other non-institutional settings, may be termed personal assistance services, home and community-based services, or in-home supportive services.
Risk Selection Among SSI Enrollees in TennCare
This paper examines risk selection among managed care plans for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries in Tennessee's Medicaid managed care program, TennCare, focusing in particular on TennCare's first two years (starting January 1994 and ending January 1996).
Last Thoughts: Beliefs Shape Expectations
This article is excerpted from the speech “Lifelong Wellness and Disability” (November 1998). It discusses how those with a disability could strive for good health. (Window on Wellness, Spring 1999, page 19). [6 PDF pages]
Considering Children with Disabilities and the State Children's Health Insurance Program
This brochure is intended to familiarize State decisionmakers with low-income uninsured children with disabilities so that they have essential information about these children as they develop and implement CHIP plans. It describes uninsured children with disabilities, their numbers, their needs, and how opportunities presented by CHIP can help. [10 PDF pages]
State Welfare-to-Work Policies for People with Disabilities: Changes Since Welfare Reform - Executive Summary
Terri S. Thompson, Pamela A. Holcomb, Pamela Loprest and Kathleen Brennan The Urban Institute This report was prepared under contract #HHS-100-95-0021 between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP) and the Urban Institute.
An Introduction to the National Long-Term Care Survey
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services An Introduction to the National Long-Term Care Surveys Robert F. Clark August 21, 1998 PDF Version: (15 PDF pages)
Evaluation of the District of Columbia's Demonstration Program,Managed Care System for Disabled and Special Needs Children: Year One Report
This project evaluates the District of Columbia's managed care demonstration program for disabled and special needs children. The demonstration program relies on a Medicaid-financed managed care system for children in the District's Supplemental Security Income program and is offered to eligible children as an alternative to the traditional Medicaid fee-for-service system.
Meeting the Challenge of Serving People With Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Assessing the Performance of Managed Care Organizations
This Resource Guide is designed to support efforts to measure and improve Medicaid MCO performance for people with disabilities.