ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Drug Testing Welfare Recipients: Recent Proposals and Continuing Controversies October 2011 This Issue Brief is available on the Internet at:
Low-Income Populations
Displaying 91 - 100 of 226. 10 per page. Page 10.
Advanced SearchImproving State TANF Performance Measures
Improving State TANF Performance Measures Final Report September 26, 2011 Task Order Number HHSP23337013T Submitted To: The Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Report Prepared By: Heather Hahn and Pamela Loprest The Urban Institute, 2100 M St, NW Washington, DC 20037
Design of a Demonstration of Coordinated Housing, Health and Long-Term Care Services and Supports for Low-Income Older Adults
This conceptual framework examines the possible ways that housing sites can link health and long-term services and supports, and potential ways that HUD and HHS could design a demonstration of such a model. [31 PDF pages]
Low-Income Single Mothers Disconnected from Work and Public Assistance
This ASPE Research Brief presents information on trends in the rate of being disconnected from both work and public assistance, and the characteristics of the disconnected group compared to all low-income single mothers. The data are from a project examining the characteristics and experiences of low-income single mothers who are not working or receiving public assistance. [6 PDF pages]
Consumer Education Initiatives in Financial and Health Literacy
This report summarizes findings from a review of literature about health literacy and financial education and from interviews with persons involved in initiatives in these areas, primarily federal personnel. It also highlights areas of commonality between financial and health literacy, and suggests ways each field can learn from the other. [75 PDF pages report; 59 PDF pages appendices]
Employment Patterns Among Persons with Children During the Recession
ASPE RESEARCH BRIEF Employment Patterns Among Persons with Children During the Recession[1] August 2010
Progress toward Self-Sufficiency for Low-Wage Workers
Contents Analytic Approach Key Findings Profile of Low-Wage Workers Low-Wage Workers Wage Progression Low-Wage Workers Progress toward Self-Sufficiency Low-Wage Workers Work Supports and
Vulnerable Youth and the Transition to Adulthood: Youth from Low-Income Families
Youth from low-income families are vulnerable to poor outcomes as adults, as these youth often lack the resources and opportunities found to lead to better outcomes.
Role of Religiosity in the Lives of the Low-Income Population: A Comprehensive Review of the Evidence
This report is a comprehensive literature review and descriptive synthesis of the state of the research on the influence of religiosity and spirituality in the lives of the US low-income population. Findings are presented in six main areas: marriage and relationships, parenting, youth, mental and physical health, substance use, and crime and violence. [129 PDF pages]