This brief, part of a series on disconnected low-income men, examines their health insurance coverage and health status using data from the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) with some additional information provided by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Low-Income Populations
Displaying 81 - 90 of 226. 10 per page. Page 9.
Advanced SearchImprisonment and Disenfranchisement of Disconnected Low-Income Men
Marla McDaniel, Margaret Simms, William Monson, and Karina Fortuny
Education and Employment of Disconnected Low-Income Men
Margaret Simms, Karina Fortuny, Marla McDaniel, and William Monson A product of the Low-Income Working Families project Issue Brief 2, August 2013
Geographic Variation in the Cost of Living: Implications for the Poverty Guidelines and Program Eligibility
This report, prepared by the Urban Institute, provides a thorough review of the literature on the extent of price variation across geographic areas, an assessment of the available indices to use to adjust the poverty guidelines for geographic price variation, and trial estimates of how geographically adjusted poverty guidelines would affect program eligibility and federal and state costs.
Past Work Experience and Earnings Trajectories of Single Mothers
By: Fredrik Andersson Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of Treasury Matthew Freedman Cornell University Julia Lane National Science Foundation Susan Hauan Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services