Health Information Technology (HIT) was identified as a critical component of the HHS Roadmap for Behavioral Health Integration. To support the implementation of the Roadmap, an ASPE study was conducted to provide an overview of HIT adoption and utilization among behavioral health providers.
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Health Information Technology Adoption and Utilization in Behavioral Health Settings: Final Report
Linking State Health Care Data to Inform Policymaking: Opportunities and Challenges
This posting includes a report prepared by the RAND Corporation, “State All Payer Claims Databases Understanding the Current Landscape and Challenges to Use,” which builds on a 2021 report “The History, Promise and Challenges of State All Payer Claims Databases.” The new report provides additional detail on the objectives of and use cases for APCDs, the current APCD landscape, and implementatio
ASPE Issue Brief
Transition Options, Opportunities for Integration, and Funding Considerations Following Coordinated Specialty Care Issue Brief
This brief is the third publication from the Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care study. It provides a short overview of the different approaches to continuity of care for young adults who have attended CSC programs and explores avenues for integration within programs and organizations as a way to support young adults following a completion of a CSC program.
The Coordinated Specialty Care Transition Study: Final Report
The Coordinated Specialty Care Transition Study: Final Report provides an overview of transition services for clients graduating from Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC). This the second publication from the Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care study.
Minimizing Disclosure Risk in HHS Open Data Initiatives
Federal agencies have a long history of releasing data to the public, and they also have a legal obligation to protect the confidentiality of the individuals and organizations from which the data were collected. Federal agencies have successfully balanced these two objectives for decades.
Consumer Control of Electronic Personal Health Information: What Does It Mean? Why Is It Important?
A Report on Three Consumer Focus Group Meetings Convened in October, 2005 by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation By: Susan Kanaan Suzie Burke-Bebee Helga E. Rippen U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Privacy Issues in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment: Information Sharing Between Providers and Managed Care Organizations
This report clarifies the sources of the tension between providers and payers with regard to what personal information should be shared for patients receiving mental health or substance abuse treatment. It also provides information to support a more consistent application of privacy-sensitive approaches to collecting personal health information in the future.
Privacy Issues in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment: Information Sharing Between Providers and Managed Care Organizations: Final Report
Effective psychotherapydepends upon an atmosphere of confidence and trust in which the patient is willing to make a frank and complete disclosure of facts, emotions, memories, and fears.Jaffe vs. Redmond, US Supreme Court, 1996
Protecting the Privacy of Patients' Health Information
Overview: Each time a patient sees a doctor, is admitted to a hospital, goes to a pharmacist or sends a claim to a health plan, a record is made of their confidential health information.