This Issue Brief examines the composition of the population that is uninsured and highlights changes in uninsured rates by geography and demographic factors from 2019 to 2021, during a time of significant federal policy efforts to expand coverage.
Healthcare Coverage & Access
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Changes in Health Insurance Coverage, 2019-2021: Geographic and Demographic Patterns in the Uninsured Rate
Database, Dataset
State and Local Estimates of the Uninsured Population in the U.S. Using the Census Bureau’s 2021 American Community Survey
Methodological Description
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) Demonstration Program
Per Section 223(d)(7)(A) of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) of 2014 (Public Law 113-93), the HHS Secretary must submit to Congress an annual report on the use of funds provided under all demonstration programs conducted under this subsection, not later than one year after the date on which the first state is selected for a demonstration program under this subsection, and annually t
ASPE Data Point Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity, 2015-2022
This Data Point presents changes in enrollment by race and ethnicity from 2015-2022 using a validated imputation method for missing information on race and ethnicity.
ASPE Issue Brief
Unwinding the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision: Projected Enrollment Effects and Policy Approaches
This report provides current HHS projections of the number of individuals predicted to lose Medicaid coverage at the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) due to a change in eligibility or due to administrative churning.
Imputation of Race and Ethnicity in Health Insurance Marketplace Enrollment Data, 2015 – 2022 Open Enrollment Periods
The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) contracted with RAND Health Care to develop methods for imputing race and ethnicity among people who selected Marketplace plans on but did not report their race or ethnicity, and to apply these methods to data from the 2015 to 2022 Open Enrollment Periods.
ASPE Issue Brief
Health Coverage Changes Under the Affordable Care Act: End of 2021 Update
This report examines recently-released 2021 National Health Interview Survey data to assess coverage changes during the pandemic, finding a decrease in the uninsured rate in 2021 for the population as a whole and by race, ethnicity, and income.
ASPE Data Point
Projected Coverage and Subsidy Impacts If the American Rescue Plan’s Marketplace Provisions Sunset in 2023
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) includes two key provisions that expand and increase premium tax credit benefits for Marketplace consumers, improving affordability of coverage for millions. Under current law, these provisions will sunset in 2023 if they are not extended, resulting in higher out-of-pocket costs for enrollees and an increase in the number of uninsured.
Research Summary
The Affordable Care Act and Its Accomplishments
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law on March 23, 2010. Since then, the law has led to an historic expansion of health insurance coverage across all states and all demographic groups within the U.S. This Briefing Book features key findings from two dozen reports published in 2021-2022.
ASPE Issue Brief
Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Among Black Americans: Recent Trends and Key Challenges
This issue brief analyzes changes in health insurance coverage and examines trends in access to care among Black Americans using data from 2011-2020. This Issue Brief is part of a series of ASPE reports examining the change in coverage rates and access to care after implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) among different racial and ethnic populations.