Dual eligible beneficiaries are an important subset of the Medicare and Medicaid populations because they have a high prevalence of chronic conditions and disabilities, substantial care needs, and high health care and long-term services and supports (LTSS) utilization and costs.
Health Outcomes
Displaying 21 - 30 of 44. 10 per page. Page 3.
Advanced SearchResearch Brief
Associations Between County-level Vaccination Rates and COVID-19 Outcomes Among Medicare Beneficiaries in Early 2021
The purpose of this study is to identify associations between COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths among Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries and the proportion of the population fully vaccinated at the county-level between January and May 2021.
ASPE Issue Brief
Trends in Hospital Readmission and Emergency Department Visit among Infants Born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Issue Brief
Trends in Hospital Readmission and Emergency Department Visit among Infants Born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Mir M. Ali, Emma Nye, and Kristina West U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Non-Fatal Opioid Overdose and Associated Health Outcomes: Final Summary Report
Non-fatal opioid overdose (NFOO) is a significant cause of opioid-related morbidity in the United States. As the number of NFOOs continues to grow, it is important to understand the short- and long-term consequences of NFOO.
Final Outcome Evaluation of the Balancing Incentive Program
This is the final report of the Balancing Incentive Program evaluation. Five earlier progress reports on the Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) have already been published. The BIP, legislated in the 2010 Affordable Care Act, offered states temporary enhanced federal financial participation for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS).
2017 Annual Report of HHS Projects to Build Data Capacity for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
The OS PCORTF Annual Report provides project descriptions for each of the OS-PCORTF portfolio’s 21 projects that were active in calendar year 2017.
Preliminary Outcome Evaluation of the Balancing Incentive Program
This is a follow-up to four earlier evaluation reports on the Balancing Incentive Program (BIP). The BIP, legislated in the 2010 Affordable Care Act, offered states temporary enhanced federal financial participation for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS).
Effectiveness of Alternative Ways of Implementing Care Management Components in Medicare DSNPs:The Care Wisconsin and Gateway Study
Little information exists on how to design various components of care coordination interventions for complex patients to reduce patients’ needs for hospitalizations or emergency room use. Efficient orthogonal design--a methodology widely used in manufacturing and marketing, but rarely used in
Effectiveness of Alternative Ways of Implementing Care Management Components in Medicare D-SNPs: The Brand New Day Study - Executive Summary
Jelena Zurovac, Randy Brown, Bob Schmitz and Richard Chapman Mathematica Policy Research January 2014