By: Embry Howell, Ashley Palmer, and Fiona Adams Abstract
Program Evaluation
Displaying 51 - 60 of 119. 10 per page. Page 6.
Advanced SearchPerformance Improvement 2011-2012
Introduction Section 241(a) of the Public Health Service Act authorizes evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of programs funded by the Act.
Federal Financing of Supported Employment and Customized Employment for People with Mental Illnesses: Final Report
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Consumer Education Initiatives in Financial and Health Literacy
This report summarizes findings from a review of literature about health literacy and financial education and from interviews with persons involved in initiatives in these areas, primarily federal personnel. It also highlights areas of commonality between financial and health literacy, and suggests ways each field can learn from the other. [75 PDF pages report; 59 PDF pages appendices]
A Descriptive Analysis of the U.S. Department of Labor's Long-Term Care Registered Apprenticeship Programs
This report provides an overview of Long-Term Care Registered Apprenticeship Programs (LTC RAPs) based on existing administrative data from U.S. Department of Labor. The purpose of this initial review is to support the design of a potential future evaluation of the effects of LTC RAPs on apprentices and the program sponsors that administer or operate them.
Evaluation of the Personal Health Record Pilot for Medicare Fee-For Service Enrollees from South Carolina
Contract No: HHSP23320045020XI Prepared for: Ms. Suzie Burke-Bebee U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Secretary Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Prepared by: