Foreword The Department is pleased to present Performance Improvement 1997: Evaluation Activities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services--the second annual report documenting the evaluation efforts of all the HHS agencies and offices.
Program Evaluation
Displaying 111 - 119 of 119. 10 per page. Page 12.
Advanced SearchApproaches to Evaluating Welfare Reform: Lessons from Five State Demonstrations
Performance Improvement 1996
ForewordThe Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) promotes and protects the health and well-being of all Americans and provides world leadership in biomedical and public health sciences.
Building Self-Sufficiency Among Welfare-Dependent Teenage Parents: Lessons from the Teenage Parent Demonstration
By Rebecca Maynard The Teenage Parent Demonstration (TPD) was a major, large-scale, federal demonstration initiative sponsored by the U.S.
ACTION's 1991-92 VISTA Marketing Campaign: An Analysis
During the 1989 VISTA Reauthorization Hearings, Congress expressed interest in raising the proportion of VISTA volunteers with college degrees. As part of this effort, ACTION endeavored to make college students more aware of the VISTA program and increase applications from college campuses through a targeted marketing campaign. This campaign took place during the 1991-1992 school year.
Analysis of Channeling Project Costs
This report examines a small but key aspect of Channeling the costs of operating the demonstration itself. The ten sites incurred costs of $23 million as they prepared for and later provided case management and long-term care services to clients between September 1980 and June 1984.
Analysis of the Benefits and Costs of Channeling
The principal finding of this report is that Channeling led to an increase in total costs for clients, including costs for medical and long-term care services and costs for shelter, food and other daily living expenses.