U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
People with Disabilities
Displaying 151 - 160 of 229. 10 per page. Page 16.
Advanced SearchEvaluation of the District of Columbia's Demonstration Program, "Managed Care System for Disabled and Special Needs Children": Final Report Summary
Abt Associates Inc. June 2000 This report was prepared under contract #500-96-0003 between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and Abt Associates Inc.
Multivariate Analysis of Patterns of Informal and Formal Caregiving among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders Living in the Community - Executive Summary
Marc A. Cohen, Ph.D. Vice President, LifePlans, Inc. President, Center for Health and Long-Term Care Research Maurice Weinrobe, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, Clark University Jessica Miller, M.S.
Multivariate Analysis of Patterns of Informal and Formal Caregiving among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders Living in the Community
Marc A. Cohen, Ph.D. Vice President, LifePlans, Inc. President, Center for Health and Long-Term Care Research Maurice Weinrobe, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, Clark University
Informal Caregivers of Disabled Elders with Long-Term Care Insurance
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Private Payers Serving Individuals with Disabilities and Chronic Conditions
Ronald J. Ozminkowski, Ph.D., Mark W. Smith, Ph.D., Rosanna M. Coffey, Ph.D., Tami L. Mark, Ph.D., Cheryl A. Neslusan, Ph.D., and John Drabek, Ph.D. The MEDSTAT Group
A Descriptive Analysis of Patterns of Informal and Formal Caregiving among Privately Insured and Non-Privately Insured Disabled Elders Living in the Community
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
In-Home Supportive Services for the Elderly and Disabled: A Comparison of Client-Directed and Professional Management Models of Services Delivery--Non-Technical Summary Report
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Medicare Home Health Services 1989-1994: Patterns of Benefit Use Among Chronically Disabled Elders
Presentation given at the Gerontological Society of America presentation, November 1998. [26 PDF pages]