This is the fifth in a series of issue briefs highlighting national and state-level enrollment-related information for the Health Insurance Marketplace (Marketplace hereafter).1 This brief includes data for states that are implementing their own Marketplaces (also known as State-Based Marketplaces or SBMs), and states with Marketplaces that are supported by or fully run by the Depart
Health Insurance Marketplace
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Eligible Uninsured Latinos: 8 in 10 Could Receive Health Insurance Marketplace Tax Credits, Medicaid or CHIP
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ASPE Issue Brief
Eligible Uninsured African Americans: 6 in 10 Could Receive Health Insurance Marketplace Tax Credits, Medicaid or CHIP
ASPE ISSUE BRIEF By: Emily R. Gee Abstract
Eligible Uninsured African Americans: 6 in 10 Could Receive Health Insurance Marketplace Tax Credits, Medicaid or CHIP
Approximately 6 in 10 eligible uninsured African Americans in the United States could obtain Health Insurance Marketplace tax credits, Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This ASPE Issue Brief discusses the demographics of the eligible uninsured African American population and new health insurance coverage options available to them under the Affordable Care Act.