The dataset provides the total number of Qualified Health Plan selections by ZIP Code for the 38 states that use the platform, including the Federally-facilitated Marketplace, State Partnership Marketplaces and supported State-based Marketplaces, during the Marketplace open enrollment period to date (November 1, 2015 – January 9, 2016).
Health Insurance Marketplace
Displaying 41 - 50 of 85. 10 per page. Page 5.
Advanced SearchAddendum to the Health Insurance Marketplaces 2016 Open Enrollment Period: January Enrollment Report
This Addendum contains detailed State-level tables highlighting cumulative enrollment-related information for the Health Insurance Marketplaces (Marketplaces) during the the first part of the 2016 Open Enrollment period for all 50 states and the District of Columbia (11-1-15 to 12-26-15).
Health Insurance Marketplaces 2016 Open Enrollment Period: January Enrollment Report
This issue brief highlights available national and state-level enrollment-related information for the first two months of the Health Insurance Marketplace 2016 open enrollment period (11-1-15 to 12-26-15) for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Competition and Choice in the Health Insurance Marketplaces, 2014-2015: Impact on Premiums
ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Steven Sheingold, Nguyen Nguyen, and Andre Chappel Disclaimer Persons with disabilities having problems accessing this document may call (202) 690-6870 for assistance.