When Congress reformed the welfare system in 1996, major goals of the legislation were to increase employment and income of needy families and to decrease child poverty. Another major goal was to improve child outcomes through increased parental employment and earnings along with other provisions of welfare reform.
Displaying 2201 - 2250 of 4407
Well-Being of Children in Working Poor and Other Families: 1997 and 2004: Research Brief
By: Richard Wertheimer, Kristin Anderson Moore, and Mary Burkhauser Child Trends Prepared for:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
Well-Being of Children in Working Poor and Other Families: 1997 and 2004
by: Richard Wertheimer, Kristin Anderson Moore, Mary Burkhauser, and Ashleigh Collins Child Trends Prepared for:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
Incarceration and the Family: A Review of Research and Promising Approaches for Serving Fathers and Families
Marriage & Family Issues
Prepared for U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)Administration for Children and Families/Office of Family Assistance
Preparing Effective Contracts in Privatized Child Welfare Systems
Child Welfare
In 2006, ASPE funded the Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Project to provide information to state and local child welfare administrators who are considering or implementing privatization reforms. The project will produce six papers on a range of topics providing insights about factors that should be considered when approaching or improving upon privatization efforts.
What Challenges Are Boys Facing, and What Opportunities Exist to Address Those Challenges? Initial Findings Brief
This brief gathers and synthesizes statistics and research related to risks for boys across multiple domains, identifies successful interventions, and offers concrete suggestions for how caring community members can help support boys in their adolescence and as they transition to adulthood.
Evaluating Privatized Child Welfare Programs: A Guide for Program Managers
Child Welfare
In 2006, ASPE funded the Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Project to provide information to state and local child welfare administrators who are considering or implementing privatization reforms. The project will produce six papers on a range of topics providing insights about factors that should be considered when approaching or improving upon privatization efforts.
Preparing Effective Contracts in Privatized Child Welfare Systems
Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Assessing Their Implications for the Child Welfare Field and for Federal Child Welfare Programs Preparing Effective Contracts in Privatized Child Welfare Systems Topical Paper #5 August 2008
Evaluating Privatized Child Welfare Programs: A Guide for Program Managers
Child Welfare Privatization Initiatives Assessing Their Implications for the Child Welfare Field and for Federal Child Welfare Programs Evaluating Privatized Child Welfare Programs: A Guide for Program Managers Topica Paper #4 August 2008
What Challenges Are Boys Facing, and What Opportunities Exist to Address Those Challenges? Initial Findings Brief
July 2008 This Brief is available on the Internet at:http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/08/boys/Findings1/brief.shtml Printer Friendly Version in PDF Format (22 pages) Additional Resources
Frontline Supervisor Survey Instrument Report
Peter Kemper, Diane Brannon, Teta Barry and Melissa Hobbs Pennsylvania State University, Center for Health Care and Policy Research
What Challenges Are Boys Facing, and What Opportunities Exist to Address Those Challenges? Annotated Bibliography
The Annotated Bibliography is the result of a comprehensive review of literature on the strengths and challenges that affect boys ages 10 through 18.
What Challenges Are Boys Facing, and What Opportunities Exist To Address Those Challenges? Fact Sheet: Victimization and Mortality*
Russell would usually cross the street when he saw those three guys. They didn’t live in his neighborhood, but he’d sometimes see them hanging around — just smoking or drinking. They weren’t always in school, but when they were, they usually bullied the younger kids and caused trouble.
What Challenges Are Boys Facing, and What Opportunities Exist To Address Those Challenges? Fact Sheet: Mental Health*
All through elementary school, Michael couldn’t sit still in class and frequently interrupted his teachers. He never seemed to be able to focus long enough to get his work done. His grades suffered. Now in the sixth grade, he was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
What Challenges Are Boys Facing, and What Opportunities Exist To Address Those Challenges? Fact Sheet: Employment*
Gabriel, a high school junior, enjoys working the concession stand at the local movie theater on Friday and Saturday nights. He earns a little money for college, hangs out with his friends, and gets to watch movies for free. He even got a pay raise because of his strong work ethic and posit
What Challenges Are Boys Facing, and What Opportunities Exist To Address Those Challenges? Fact Sheet: Education*
Since the days when he attended his new neighborhood’s early learning center, Joe has liked school and often talks about how great his teachers have been over the years. Now in eleventh grade, Joe is a year away from being the first in his family to receive a high school diploma.
What Challenges Are Boys Facing, and What Opportunities Exist to Address Those Challenges? Annotated Bibliography
July 2008 This bibliography is available on the Internet at:http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/08/boys/Biblio/ Printer Friendly Version in PDF Format (52 pages)
Measuring Income and Poverty in Four Surveys: an Overview
Policy makers use national surveys to paint a picture of the U.S. population along a variety of dimensions. If major surveys are equally successful in capturing income, then, for the same time period, populations and income types, consistently defined income estimates and poverty rates across surveys will be highly similar varying somewhat due to sampling error.
Measuring Income and Poverty in Four Surveys: an Overview
Measuring Income and Poverty in Four Surveys: An Overview Final Report Prepared by:
Assessing Home Health Care Quality for Post-Acute and Chronically Ill Patients: Final Report
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Collection of Marriage and Divorce Statistics by States Final Report
Marriage & Family Issues
Electronic Collection of Marriage and Divorce Statistics: Findings from Seven States Final Report
Marriage & Family Issues
Assessing the Potential of Subsidized Health and Retirement Savings Accounts
This report examines the potential for government-subsidized Health and Retirement Savings Accounts to fund future long-term care needs. It simulates long-term care account accumulations for today's young workers under various scenarios for government matching contributions.
Long-Term Care and Lifetime Earnings: Assessing the Potential to Pay
This report examines the relationship between lifetime earnings and use of Medicaid-financed long-term care services in a nationally representative survey of older adults.
Advance Directives and Advance Care Planning: Report to Congress
Advance Care Planning
This report summarizes findings from a multidimensional effort. It reflects the perspectives of experts in end-of-life care, advance directives and advance care planning, individuals with disabilities and other nationwide stakeholders. Advance care planning and the use of advance directives provide mechanisms for ensuring individual autonomy at the end of life.
Assessing Home Health Care Quality for Post-Acute and Chronically Ill Patients: Final Report
Home health agencies serve patients with a range of health care needs including those with short-term post-acute needs and the chronically ill with more long-term needs. The purpose of this project was to examine the current approach to public reporting of Medicare home health agency quality with a particular focus on how quality measures perform for the diverse home health population.
Expert Panel Meeting on Disease Management Outcomes Measurement
Summary of panel discussion concerning the challenges of measuring the impact of disease management programs, especially for individuals with multiple chronic conditions.
Marriage and Health Care Coverage Among Families with Children
Marriage & Family Issues
Original Research Prepared for:Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and EvaluationU.S. Department of Health and Human Services
What Challenges Are Boys Facing, and What Opportunities Exist To Address Those Challenges? Fact Sheet: Substance Abuse*
David was looking forward to some Friday night fun. A starter on his high school basketball team, he had practiced hard every evening that week for the big game against a crosstown rival and still had to make time to study for his first period geometry test. After dinner with his family, he headed over to a party at the house of a schoolmate whose parents were out o
Assessing the Potential of Subsidized Health and Retirement Savings Accounts
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Long-Term Care and Lifetime Earnings: Assessing the Potential to Pay
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Assessing Home Health Care Quality for Post-Acute and Chronically Ill Patients: Final Report
Christopher M. Murtaugh, Ph.D., Timothy R. Peng, Ph.D., Stanley Moore, B.S., and Gill A. Maduro, Ph.D. Visiting Nurse Service of New York, Center for Home Care Policy and Research August 2008 PDF Version: http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2008/hhcqual.pdf (172 PDF pages)
Expert Panel Meeting on Disease Management Outcomes Measurement
Expert Panel Meeting on Disease Management Outcomes Measurement Summary Report Prepared by: RAND Corporation August 2008 Prepared for:Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Advance Directives and Advance Care Planning: Report to Congress
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
August 2008
PDF Version: http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/2008/ADCongRpt.pdf (302 PDF pages)
Oklahoma Marriage Initiative (OMI): Using Research to Guide the Development of an Evolving Statewide Initiative
Marriage & Family Issues
As a pioneer in broad-based marriage initiatives, the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative (OMI) has charted new territory. Recognizing that there was little prior information to guide implementation designs and strategies for pursuing its goals, OMI planners enlisted the help of a range of research experts from around the country.
Current Issues and Options: Coverage and Reimbursement for Complex Molecular Diagnostics
Healthcare Coverage & Access
In June 2008, HHS commissioned this white paper to overview the current status of payor systems for coverage and reimbursement of complex molecular
Marriage Education, Financial Literacy, and Asset Development Roundtable: Meeting Summary
This report summarizes a Roundtable Meeting convened by ASPE in February 2008. The Roundtable brought together researchers and practitioners from the marriage education, financial literacy, and asset development fields to begin a dialogue on the relationship between healthy marriages and financial practices.
Addressing the Needs of Victims of Human Trafficking: Challenges, Barriers, and Promising Practices
Human Trafficking
This Issue Brief focuses on the multiple service needs of victims of human trafficking and the services available to meet those needs. Additionally, it discusses challenges and barriers to providing services to victims, international and domestic, adults and minors, and highlights innovative solutions to these challenges and promising practices to overcome barriers. [10 PDF pages]
Addressing the Needs of Victims of Human Trafficking: Challenges, Barriers, and Promising Practices
Human Trafficking
By: Heather J. Clawson and Nicole Dutch
Marriage Education, Financial Literacy, and Asset Development Roundtable Meeting Summary
Prepared by: Elise Corwin Anupa Bir Pamela Joshi RTI International Robert F.
Current Issues and Options: Coverage and Reimbursement for Complex Molecular Diagnostics
Current Issues and Options: Coverage and Reimbursement for Complex Molecular Diagnostics This is a policy analysis document developed to inform ongoing discussions regarding certain types of diagnostic tests. Bruce Quinn MD PhD Foley Hoag LLP