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Addendum to the Health Insurance Marketplaces 2016 Open Enrollment Period: January Enrollment Report

This Addendum contains detailed State-level tables highlighting cumulative enrollment-related information for the Health Insurance Marketplaces (Marketplaces) during the the first part of the 2016 Open Enrollment period for all 50 states and the District of Columbia (11-1-15 to 12-26-15).

Health Insurance Marketplaces 2016 Open Enrollment Period: January Enrollment Report

This issue brief highlights available national and state-level enrollment-related information for the first two months of the Health Insurance Marketplace 2016 open enrollment period (11-1-15 to 12-26-15) for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Support and Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: Second Annual Report

Amy Kandilov, Vincent Keyes, Noëlle Siegfried, Patrick Edwards, Ann Larsen, Kevin Smith, Celia Eicheldinger, Nancy McCall, Martijn Van Hasselt, and Doug Raeder RTI International Alisha Sanders and Robyn Stone

Support and Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: Second Annual Report

This memorandum describes the ongoing implementation and impacts of a program the Support and Services at Home (SASH) program. The program is intended to improve health and decrease health care expenditures among elderly residents of affordable housing developments.

Impact of State Scope of Practice Laws and Other Factors on the Practice and Supply of Primary Care Nurse Practitioners

This study assessed individual and state-level factors which affect decisions by Nurse Practitioners (NPs) about whether to practice in primary care. Of particular interest was the impact of state scope of practice (SOP) regulations on elements of NP practice such as patient load, the flow of patient care, and the management of a patient panel decision.

FY2017 Federal Medical Assistance Percentages

ASPE FMAP 2017 REPORT Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures; Federal Matching Shares for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or Disabled Persons for October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017​

HHS Health Informatics Initiative: Improving Information for Decision-Making

OVERVIEW HHS has proposed a $20 million initiative in the President's FY 2001 budget dealing with Health Informatics: Improving Information for Decision Making. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to improve patient care and health outcomes through the efficient and effective use of data.

REPLICATION: Reducing the Risk, Life Works

LifeWorks is one of nine organizations selected to participate in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study. The study is a rigorous five-year evaluation of replications of evidence-based interventions aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and other sexual risk behaviors.

REPLICATION: Safer Sex Intervention (SSI), Knox County Health Department

Knox County Health Department (KCHD) is one of nine organizations selected to participate in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study. The study is a rigorous five-year evaluation of replications of evidence-based interventions aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and other sexual risk behaviors.

REPLICATION: Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County, Inc.

Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County (Community Action Partnership) is one of nine organizations selected to participate in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study. The study is a rigorous five-year evaluation of replications of evidence-based interventions aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and other sexual risk behaviors.

Implementation Study Design Report

The Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Replication Study is evaluating three replications of three evidence-based program models, for a total of nine sites funded through the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program. The study is managed by ASPE in partnership with OAH.

REPLICATION: Safer Sex Intervention (SSI), Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando

Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando (PPGO) is one of nine organizations selected to participate in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study. The study is a rigorous five-year evaluation of replications of evidence-based interventions aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and other sexual risk behaviors.

REPLICATION: Touchstone Behavioral Health

Touchstone Behavioral Health (Touchstone) is one of nine organizations selected to participate in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study. The study is a rigorous five-year evaluation of replications of evidence-based interventions aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and other sexual risk behaviors.

Impact Design Report

The Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Replication Study is evaluating three replications of three evidence-based program models, for a total of nine sites funded through the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program. The study is managed by ASPE in partnership with OAH.

REPLICATION: Safer Sex, Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department

Hennepin County (HC) Human Services and Public Health Department is one of nine organizations selected to participate in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study. The study is a rigorous five-year evaluation of replications of evidence-based interventions aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and other sexual risk behaviors.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study Overview

The Overview of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study provides a summary of the study design and the Baseline Site Profiles provide a summary of each of the nine grantees participating in the study.

REPLICATION: Reducing the Risk, San Diego Youth Services and its Partners

San Diego Youth Services (SDYS) is one of nine organizations selected to participate in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study. The study is a rigorous five-year evaluation of replications of evidence-based interventions aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and other sexual risk behaviors.

REPLICATION: Reducing the Risk

Better Family Life is one of nine organizations selected to participate in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study. The study is a rigorous five-year evaluation of replications of evidence-based interventions aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and other sexual risk behaviors.

REPLICATION: La Alianza Hispana

La Alianza Hispana (La Alianza) is one of nine organizations selected to participate in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study. The study is a rigorous five-year evaluation of replications of evidence-based interventions aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and other sexual risk behaviors.

The Child SSI Program and the Changing Safety Net: Pathways to SSI

This research brief examines pathways to the child SSI program, drawing upon analysis of administrative data and site visits to Kentucky, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas. It finds that informal referrals appear to be most common, though schools, health care providers, and legal services staff also play a role.

The Child SSI Program and the Changing Safety Net: SSI and TANF Program Coordination

This research brief examines program coordination between the child SSI and TANF programs, drawing upon analysis of administrative data and site visits to Kentucky, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Environmental Scan of Programs and Policies Addressing Health Disparities Among Rural Children in Poverty

About 12.9 million children live in rural communities, where they are more likely than their nonrural peers to experience health problems associated with their environment, their socioeconomic status, their own and their families’ health behaviors, and their access to quality clinical care.

White Paper: Measurement of the Utilization of an Installed EHR

Prepared for: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Secretary Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Prepared by: Prashila Dullabh, Adil Moiduddin and Elizabeth Babalola NORC at the University of Chicago June 2009

Potential Fiscal Consequences of Not Providing CSR Reimbursements

This note considers the potential long-term fiscal consequences of a counterfactual scenario in which the federal government did not reimburse insurers for cost-sharing reductions (CSRs). Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), insurers are required to provide CSRs to low- and moderate-income enrollees. The federal government is then required to reimburse insurers for the cost of these subsidies.

An Assessment of Innovative Models of Peer Support Services in Behavioral Health to Reduce Preventable Acute Hospitalization and Readmissions

Recurrent psychiatric hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) utilization is common among those with serious mental illness resulting in excessively high health care costs, and preventable overuse of services. Peer support services are a recognized part of team-based care for behavioral health conditions.

Why Health Matters for Low-Income Fathers

This brief will help community-based organizations serving low-income fathers better understand the new opportunities offered under the Affordable Care Act, why it is important information for their clients, and how they can help their clients get connected to health coverage and care.

Review of Medication-Assisted Treatment Guidelines and Measures for Opioid and Alcohol Use

In response to the growing opioid epidemic, HHS announced a three-pronged initiative in March 2015 to: (1) improve opioid prescribing practices; (2) increase access to naloxone for overdose management; and (3) expand medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to reduce opioid dependence.

Estimates of Child Care Eligibility and Receipt for Fiscal Year 2012

Child Care
This brief provides descriptive information on child care eligibility and receipt. Of the 14.2 million children eligible for child care subsidies under federal rules, 15 percent received subsidies. Of the 8.9 million children eligible for child care subsidies under state rules, 25 percent received subsidies. Poorer children were more likely to receive subsidies than less poor children.

The Experiences of Families During A Father’s Incarceration: Descriptive Findings from Baseline Data Collection for the Multi-site Family Study on Incarceration, Parenting and Partnering

Using data from baseline interviews, this report describes the experiences of 1,482 incarcerated fathers and their intimate or coparenting female partners.

Estimates of the QHP Eligible Uninsured by Designated Market Area for the Third Open Enrollment Period

ASPE has developed estimates of the number of uninsured who are likely to qualify for coverage for 2016 through Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) in the Health Insurance Marketplace (“QHP-eligible uninsured”) for select designated market areas (DMA) in the United States. A DMA is a geographic area that represents a specific television market defined by the Nielsen Company.

HHS Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Implementation Progress Report 2011-2014

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (HHS Disparities Action Plan) is the most comprehensive federal commitment to date for reducing, and eventually eliminating disparities in health and health care.

Health Information Exchange in Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Settings: Final Report

This report provides an overview of current efforts for implementing electronic health information exchange (eHIE) by long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) providers. The report describes the extent to which LTPAC providers are preparing for and implementing eHIE with their partners and assessing its impact.

HHS Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: Implementation Progress Report 2011-2014

November 2015 U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Office of the Secretary. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and Office of Minority Health   About This Report

Health Plan Choice and Premiums in the 2016 Health Insurance Marketplace

By: Kelsey Avery, Mathias Gardner, Emily Gee, Elena Marchetti-Bowick, Audrey McDowell, & Aditi Sen  

How Many Individuals Might Have Marketplace Coverage at the End of 2016?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides two main avenues for expanding health coverage: the Health Insurance Marketplaces (“Marketplaces”) and the law’s federal support for states that wish to expand their Medicaid programs.

Case Studies of Balancing Incentive Program Implementation Process

The Affordable Care Act included several provisions designed to increase the provision of Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) and to improve the infrastructure for provision of those services.

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