This Issue Brief provides a descriptive analysis of postpartum health care use among the Medicaid population before and during the PHE, when the continuous enrollment condition was in effect.
Maternal & Child Health
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Advanced SearchASPE Issue Brief
Postpartum Health Care Use in Medicaid During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Implications for Extending Postpartum Coverage
ASPE Issue Brief
Treatment for Children and Adolescents Enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP During COVID-19
The first brief below provides insight into children’s and adolescents’ mental health service use in Medicaid and CHIP during the pandemic, by using a national Medicaid claims database.
Case Study
Elevating Prevention and Promotion Efforts in Early Childhood Mental Health: A Case Study Series Page
This series of five case studies describe evidence-based, innovative, and exemplary practices that support positive mental health for children. The case studies in five organizations highlight key elements of prevention and promotion efforts in early childhood mental health, as well as the contextual factors that support implementation.Available Reports:
Research Brief
Elevating Prevention and Promotion in Early Childhood Mental Health
Efforts to promote positive mental health and prevent the onset of mental health difficulties are crucial for supporting healthy early childhood social-emotional development and well-being.
ASPE Issue Brief
Medicaid: The Health and Economic Benefits of Expanding Eligibility
This Issue Brief examines the impact of Medicaid throughout its six decades and highlights the importance of Medicaid coverage for low-income children and adults. The brief reviews studies showing that access to Medicaid coverage is associated with a significant improvement in health and mortality.
ASPE Issue Brief
Opioid Use Treatment of Pregnant/Postpartum Women and their Children
This study represents findings from a descriptive analysis of a linked mother-child Medicaid claims dataset to examine the characteristics of pregnant women who use medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) or intensive behavioral health treatment; additional analysis describes the mental health and neurodevelopment outcomes of their children at one year and three years.
Report to Congress
Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis in the United States: An Update from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
This report has been prepared by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), Office on Women's Health (OWH) and the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in concert with other HHS agencies within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This report discusses activities and outcomes of HHS programs addressing the maternal health crisis.
ASPE Issue Brief
Project Update: Child Welfare and Health Infrastructure for Linking and Data Analysis of Resources, Effectiveness, and Needs (CHILDREN) Initiative
This brief describes progress in the Child Welfare and Health Infrastructure for Linking and Data Analysis of Resources, Effectiveness, and Needs (CHILDREN) Initiative, which is entering its second year. At this time, four jurisdictions have been selected for participation in the CHILDREN Initiative and are engaging in feasibility studies to determine readiness for linking data.
Linking State Medicaid Data and Birth Certificates For Maternal Health Research
This report presents the set of guiding principles for linking state Medicaid data with birth certificates that was developed by state and national experts and leaders. These guiding principles can be implemented to create a multistate linked database that researchers would be able to access and use for research on maternal health, including patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR).
ASPE Issue Brief
Medicaid After Pregnancy: State-Level Implications of Extending Postpartum Coverage (2023 Update)
This brief provides an overview of the important role Medicaid plays in postpartum maternal health, reviews states’ existing pregnancy-related Medicaid eligibility limits, and assesses the projected eligibility impact if all states were to provide 12 months of postpartum Medicaid eligibility. This Issue Brief updates a previous report that was originally published in December 2021.