The prices charged by drug manufacturers to wholesalers and distributors (commonly referred to as exmanufacturers prices) in the United States are 1.8 times higher than in other countries for the top drugs by total expenditures separately paid under Medicare Part B. U.S. prices were higher for most of the drugs included in the analysis, and U.S.
Drug Pricing
Displaying 31 - 40 of 43. 10 per page. Page 4.
Advanced SearchASPE Data Point
Data Point: Savings Available Under Full Generic Substitution of Multiple Source Brand Drugs in Medicare Part D
ASPE analyzed Part D prescription drug event data from 2016 to estimate spending on brand drugs with generic therapeutic equivalents.
Medicare Part B Drugs: Pricing and Incentives
Medicare Part B covers infusible and injectable drugs and biologics administered in physician offices and hospital outpatient departments; as well as certain other drugs required by law provided by suppliers such as pharmacies The Part B payment method provides weak incentives for physicians to consider value – that is choose the lowest cost therapy to effectively treat a patient.
Health Care Cost Containment and Medical Innovation
ASPE ISSUE BRIEF Health Care Cost Containment and Medical Innovation May 2012 By: Amber Jessup, Ph.D.
A National Comparison of Prescription Drug Expenditures by Medicare Beneficiaries Living in the Community and Long-Term Care Facility Settings
This Policy Brief provides a snapshot of prescription drug use and spending in 2001, the latest year for which complete community and long-term care facility drug data are available.
Continuation of Drug Risk Adjustment
Prepared by: National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago Prepared for:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Understanding Variations in International Drug Prices
Rapidly rising prescription drug prices have caused many consumers, third-party payers, and policymakers to look for ways to lower their drug costs. One strategy that many have seen as a potential solution is to import drug products from countries where drug prices are lower than those in the United States commonly called reimportation.
Impact of Policies to Limit Drug Plan's Financial Risk
This paper examines the combined effects of drug plan risk the first year of Medicare part D implementation of the combination of reinsurance, risk-adjustment and risk-corridors
Options for Defining Medicare Advantage Regions: An Assessment of Trade-offs
The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was charged with setting regional market areas for the implementation of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA).