Researchers at the Urban Institute recently completed a study of employment and wage growth among TANF recipients and low-wage workers.(1) The study's three main questions were:
Welfare, Welfare Reform, & TANF
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Advanced SearchPotential Employment Liabilities Among TANF Recipients: a Synthesis of Data From Six State TANF Caseload Studies
ASPE funded a round of competitive state and local research grants to study the characteristics and circumstances of individuals and families receiving TANF cash assistance.
Potential Employment Liabilities Among TANF Recipients: a Synthesis of Data From Six State TANF Caseload Studies
Potential Employment Liabilities Among TANF Recipients: A Synthesis of Data from Six State TANF Caseload Studies by: Susan Hauan and Sarah Douglas(1)U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation October 2004
Targeted Help for the Hard-to-Employ: Outcomes of Two Philadelphia Welfare-to-Work Programs
National Evaluation of the Welfare-to-Work Grants Program: Unemployment Insurance as a Potential Safety Net for TANF Leavers: Evidence from Five States
Content Data and Sample Key Findings Conclusions Endnotes
Unemployment Insurance As a Potential Safety Net for TANF Leavers: Evidence from Five States
This report is one in a series produced under the National Evaluation of the DOL Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Grants Program. This study examines the extent to which former welfare recipients, if they were to experience a job loss, are likely to have monetary eligibility for Unemployment Insurance (UI).
National Evaluation of the Welfare-to-Work Grants Program: Final Report
Contents Key Questions and Findings Conclusions Lessons Concerning Program Design and Implementation Endnotes The Welfare-to-Work (WtW) grants program was a large federally funded effort to help the most disadvantaged welfare recipients leave the rolls and become