Submitted by: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc P.O. Box 2393 Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 (609) 799-3535 Project Director: Ellen Eliason Kisker
Welfare, Welfare Reform, & TANF
Displaying 221 - 230 of 241. 10 per page. Page 23.
Advanced SearchEvaluating Two Welfare-to-Work Program Approaches: Two-Year Findings on the Labor Force Attachment and Human Capital Development Programs in Three Sites
Executive Summary The National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work Strategies
Welfare Reform and Disability: Issues and HHS Activities
This brief was used as a background paper for the October 28, 1997 meeting of the Interagency Work Group on Welfare Reform and Persons with Disabilities. [8 PDF pages]
Setting the Baseline: A Report on State Welfare Waivers
by Ann Rosewater, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Services Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
ReWORKing Welfare Technical Assistance for States and Localities
A How-to Guide Work First How to Implement an Employment-Focused Approach to Welfare Reform Amy Brown Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation
Approaches to Evaluating Welfare Reform: Lessons from Five State Demonstrations
Service Utilization and the Individual, Family, and Neighborhood Characteristics of Children with Disabilities in Illinois
This report describes the demographic characteristics and human services utilization of all children and adolescents who are identified as having a disability in Illinois. It also seeks to understand the stability of care that these children receive through childhood and adolescence.
Work, Welfare, and the Burden of Disability: Caring for Special Needs of Children in Poor Families
This paper addresses issues which arise at the juncture of welfare and disability policies. Using preliminary data from a recent survey of current and recent AFDC recipients in California, we find that disabilities and chronic health problems affect the mothers or children in 43% of all households in the AFDC system.
The Jobs Evaluation: How Well are They Faring? AFDC Families with Preschool-aged Children in Atlanta at the Outset of the Jobs Evaluation
The JOBS Evaluation: How Well Are They Faring? AFDC Families with Preschool-Aged Children in Atlanta at the Outset of the JOBS Evaluation. Prepared by Kristin A. Moore, Martha J. Zaslow, Mary Jo Coiro, Suzanne M. Miller of Child Trends, Inc.and Ellen B. Magenheim of Swarthmore College. February 1996