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Service Delivery & Capacity Building
Displaying 41 - 50 of 95. 10 per page. Page 5.
Advanced SearchASPE Issue Brief
Advancing Integrated Care: Lessons from Minnesota
Jhamirah M. Howard and Jennifer Baron Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Printer Friendly Version in PDF Format (8 PDF pages)
Examining Substance Use Disorder Treatment Demand and Provider Capacity in a Changing Health Care System: Initial Findings Report
Although trends in substance use disorder (SUD) prevalence and treatment receipt have been relatively constant for the last decade, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) could result in a substantial increase in the number of individuals seeking or referred to treatment.
Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Psychiatric Disorders and Other Disabilities
Bonnie O'Day, Crystal Blyler, Anna Collins, Benjamin Fischer, Claire Gill, Todd Honeycutt, Rebecca Kleinman, Frank Martin, Joseph Mastrianni, Eric Morris, Lisa Schottenfeld, Allison Thompkins, Allison Wishon-Siegwarth, and Michelle Bailey
Mathematica Policy Research
Case Study
Strategies for Integrating and Coordinating Care for Behavioral Health Populations: Case Studies of Four States
Executive Summary
January 2014
Improving State TANF Performance Measures
Improving State TANF Performance Measures Final Report September 26, 2011 Task Order Number HHSP23337013T Submitted To: The Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Report Prepared By: Heather Hahn and Pamela Loprest The Urban Institute, 2100 M St, NW Washington, DC 20037
Roundtable on Homeless Children - Discussion Synthesis
This document synthesizes the discussion from the Roundtable on Homeless Children. The background paper from this meeting is also available and provides an update on the research, policy, laws, and funding for programs and services for children who are homeless in the United States. [12 PDF pages]
Roundtable on Homeless Children Discussion Synthesis
Roundtable on Homeless Children Discussion Synthesis July 2010 Homeless Children Roundtable: Conference Page This synthesis is available on the Internet at: