Contents Introduction Agency Administration and Staffing Screening and Intake Investigation and Alternative Response Collaboration with Other Agencies Changes in CPS Practice
Early Childhood Development
Displaying 61 - 70 of 88. 10 per page. Page 7.
Advanced SearchNational Study of Child Protective Services Systems and Reform Efforts: Summary Report
National Study of Child Protective Services Systems and Reform Efforts
Neighborhoods and Health: Building Evidence for Local Policy
Contents Site-Specific Analyses Cross-Site Analysis: The Changing Urban Context Cross-Site Analysis: Health Trends and Study Hypotheses Conclusions
State Experience and Perspectives on Reducing Out-of-Wedlock Births
State Experience and Perspectives on Reducing Out-of-Wedlock Births Final Report Prepared for: Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Department of Health and Human Services Prepared by: The Lewin Group, Inc. Mark W. Nowak Michael E. Fishman Mary E. Farrell February 2003
Assessing the Family Circumstances of Current and Former TANF Child-Only Cases in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties: Executive Summary
by: Charles J. Lieberman, Vanessa Lindler, and Margaret OBrien-Strain Submitted to: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Submitted by: The SPHERE Institute
Charting Parenthood: A Statistical Portrait of Fathers and Mothers in America
Contents Parenting Family Formation Fertility Conclusion The great majority of Americans will become parents at some point in their lives.
Advancing State Child Indicators Initiatives
Contents Overview: Project Objectives, Operations, and Key Concerns Overview of Technical Assistance to States Key Project Products and Publications Communicating the Results and Lessons Learned from the Child Indicators Project
Eligibility for CCDF-Funded Child Care Subsidies under the October 1999 Program Rules: Results from the TRIM3 Microsimulation Model
Eligibility for CCDF-Funded Child Care Subsidies Under the October 1999 Program Rules: Results from the TRIM3 Microsimulation Model Prepared by: Helen Oliver, Katherin Ross Phillips, Linda Giannarelli, and An-Lon Chen Urban Institute June 2002
Dynamics of Children's Movement Among the AFDC, Medicaid, and Foster Care Programs Prior to Welfare Reform: 1995–1996
Prepared by: Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago Center for Social Services Research, University of California, Berkeley School of Social Work, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill American Institutes for Research, Prime Contractor
Dynamics of Children's Movement Among the AFDC, Medicaid, and Foster Care Programs Prior to Welfare Reform: 1995-1996
Policy changes may have both positive and negative effects on programs that are not the primary target of the policy. Policymakers hope that the potential negative effects are minimized and do not outweigh the positive effects on the target program as well as on other programs.