This Report responded to a request from the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations.
Healthcare Coverage & Access
Displaying 71 - 80 of 234. 10 per page. Page 8.
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Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Extending Coverage of Immunosuppressive Drugs under Medicare
By statute, the majority of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are eligible for Medicare, regardless of age. Kidney transplantation is ultimately considered the best treatment for ESRD, but ESRD-related eligibility for Medicare coverage extends for only 36 months post-transplant.
Loss of Medicare-Medicaid Dual Eligible Status: Frequency, Contributing Factors and Implications
This paper seeks to document the frequency of Medicaid coverage loss among full-benefit dual eligible beneficiaries and identify potential causes for coverage loss. For dual eligible beneficiaries, the loss of full-benefit Medicaid coverage is of concern because most of them do not have an alternative source of health insurance for the services covered by full-benefit Medicaid.
Analysis of Pathways to Dual Eligible Status: Final Report
Zhanlian Feng, PhD,Alison Vadnais, MHS, Emily Vreeland, BA, Susan Haber, PhD, Joshua Wiener, PhD, and Bob Baker, BA RTI International Printer Friendly Version in PDF Format (46 PDF pages)
Integrating Care through Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs): Opportunities and Challenges
The 11 million individuals dually-eligible for Medicare and Medicaid are among the highest need populations in either program. However, a lack of coordination between the Medicare and Medicaid programs makes it difficult for individuals enrolled in both to navigate these fragmented systems of care and adds to the cost of both programs.
Assessing the Impact of Parity in the Large Group Employer-Sponsored Insurance Market: Final Report
Health Plan Choice and Premiums in the 2019 Federal Health Insurance Exchange
This brief presents information on qualified health plans (QHPs) available in the Exchange for states that use the platform, including estimates for issuer participation, health plan options, premiums, and subsidies in the upcoming open enrollment period (OEP), and trends since the first OEP. National estimates and summary tables are presented in each section of the text.
Strategies by Federally-Funded Health Centers to Facilitate Patient Access to Specialty Care
This report summarizes findings from a small qualitative study of six health centers that are pursuing a diverse range of approaches to facilitating specialty care for patients.
Analyzing the Public Benefit Attributable to Interoperable Health Information Exchange
This project developed methods and measures that can be used to quantify the public benefits that result from Interoperable Health Information Exchange (IEHI). In the first phase of this project, a literature review was conducted and discussions were held with subject matter experts to identify areas where evidence suggests that the greatest benefits resulting from IEHI might be found.