This report describes the design and implementation of the Consumer-Directed Care Research Project (CDC), Florida's model of Cash and Counseling, and draws lessons from the state's experience. The report is based primarily on in-person interviews conducted in January 2002, about 18 months after the project began enrolling beneficiaries.
Healthcare Coverage & Access
Displaying 201 - 210 of 232. 10 per page. Page 21.
Advanced SearchAccessing Workers' Compensation Insurance for Consumer-Employed Personal Assistance Service Workers: Issues, Challenges and Promising Practices
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Market Changes in the Supply and Use of Home Health Services: 1996-1999
Past studies by federal agencies examined the impact of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 policies on beneficiaries and providers. While documenting changes in the supply of home health agencies (HHAs), these studies concluded that agency closings did not cause a shortage of Medicare home health providers and that beneficiaries' access to services were not generally affected.
Easing the Burden of Caregiving: The Effect of Consumer Direction on Primary Informal Caregivers in Arkansas
Cash and Counseling, an innovative model of consumer direction, has been implemented as a three-state demonstration designed to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of allowing Medicaid beneficiaries to assume more responsibility for the supportive services they may need.
Agency Closings and Changes in Medicare Home Health Use: 1996-1999
Implementation of the 1997 Balanced Budget Act's home health provisions dramatically reduced Medicare home health utilization and led to closures of many agencies. This paper examined the potential effects of the agency closings on beneficiary utilization rates. Findings suggest that agency closings, per se, had only a very small impact on changes in utilization rates between 1996 and 1999.
Application Process for TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid, and SCHIP
This study provides descriptions and information about overall application procedures under four major assistance programs in a variety of venues (e.g., welfare offices, hospitals, health clinics) at six sites (Arlington, VA; Dallas, TX; Raleigh, NC; New York, NY; Seattle, WA; and Sedalia, MO).
The Skill Sets and Health Care Needs of Released Offenders
This review updates the previous literature on what we know about inmate needs and the programs designed to address those needs. A more neutral terminology than inmate "deficits" or "needs" is used by referring to the different domains as "skill sets." A skill implies mastery and competence rather than a personal liability.
Beyond Fair Hearings: How Five States Help Medicaid Managed Care Beneficiaries Resolve Disputes with Health Plans - Executive Summary
This report was prepared under contract #HHS-100-97-0013 between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP) and the Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Consumer Directed Care and Nurse Practice Acts
This paper examines the current state of nurse practice acts and their implementing regulations to determine the extent to which they permit more consumer direction in home and community based services. This analysis may be helpful to consumers and states that are seeking ways to balance better state policies to support consumer-directed care. [38 PDF pages]