Authors: Sharon Vandivere and Karin Malm Child Trends Laura Radel
Survey Data
Displaying 61 - 70 of 145. 10 per page. Page 7.
Advanced SearchAdoption USA: A Chartbook Based on the 2007 National Survey of Adoptive Parents
Adoption USA presents findings from the first nationally representative survey of adoptive parents in the United States. About two percent of U.S. children joined their families through adoption.
Nursing Home Work Practices and Certified Nursing Assistants' Job Satisfaction
This article estimates the impact of wages, working conditions, and other aspects of job design on overall job satisfaction of certified nursing assistants working in nursing homes.
The National Nursing Assistant Survey: Improving the Evidence Base for Policy Initiatives to Strengthen the Certified Nursing Assistant Workforce
This study introduces the first National Nursing Assistant Survey (NNAS), a major advance in the data available about certified nursing assistants (CNAs) and a rich resource for evidence-based policy, practice, and applied research initiatives.
Literature Review
Literature Review and Synthesis: Existing Surveys on Health Information Technology, including Surveys on Health Information Technology in Nursing Homes and Home Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Income Data for Policy Analysis: A Comparative Assessment of Eight surveys
Income is a critical variable in policy analysis, and because of this, most federal household surveys collect at least some data on income. Yet income is exceedingly difficult to measure well in a household survey.