Youth from low-income families are vulnerable to poor outcomes as adults, as these youth often lack the resources and opportunities found to lead to better outcomes.
Family Well-Being
Displaying 61 - 70 of 205. 10 per page. Page 7.
Advanced SearchLiterature Review
Marital Quality and Outcomes for Children and Adolescents: A Review of the Family Process Literature
The overall purpose of this report is to show how marital quality, strengths, and/or interpersonal protective factors work to enhance the probability that children will do better among families where strengths are higher. Additionally, we reviewed the research about parental marital quality and child outcomes and showed how those two constructs are connected.
Impact of Marital and Relationship Status on Social Outcomes for Returning Prisoners
ASPE RESEARCH BRIEF(*) The Impact of Marital and Relationship Status on Social Outcomes for Returning Prisoners January 2009 This Research Brief is available on the Internet at:
Marital Quality and Parent-Adolescent Relationships: Components of Relationship Strengths in Married Couple Families
The purpose of this research brief is to explain the relationship context of adolescents who live in married couple families. Specifically, the marital quality of the adolescents' biological parents (and step-parents) is assessed by examining how supportive and conflict behaviors combine within the couple relationship.
Foundations for Strong Families 101: Healthy Relationships and Financial Stability
This is the first of two briefs that examine the interplay between education and skills-building programming for lower income individuals and families in the areas of marriage and relationships, financial literacy, and asset development. This brief provides an overview of existing programs and practices.
Foundations for Strong Families 201: Healthy Relationships and Financial Stability
This is the second of two briefs that examine the interplay between education and skills-building programming for lower income individuals and families in the areas of marriage and relationships, financial literacy, and asset development.
National Evaluation of the Responsible Fatherhood, Marriage, and Family Strengthening Grants for Incarcerated and Re-Entering Fathers and Their Partners: Program Models of MFS-IP Grantees
The research brief provides an overview of the program models used by the twelve Responsible Fatherhood, Marriage and Family Strengthening Grants for Incarcerated and Re-entering Partners grantees. [10 PDF pages]