U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Mental Health
Displaying 71 - 80 of 103. 10 per page. Page 8.
Advanced SearchEvidence-Based Mental Health Treatment for Victims of Human Trafficking
This Issue Brief examines the evidence-based research for treating common mental health conditions experienced by victims of human trafficking. This was a topic identified at the National Symposium on the Health Needs of Human Trafficking Victims sponsored by ASPE and held in Washington, DC, September 22-23, 2008. [13 PDF pages]
Literature Review
An AI/AN Suicide Prevention Hotline: Literature Review and Discussion with Experts
This exploratory study provides background information pertaining to an American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Suicide Prevention Hotline.
Research Brief
Mental Health of Vulnerable Youth and their Transition to Adulthood: Examining the Role of the Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Runaway/Homeless Systems
ASPE RESEARCH BRIEF The Mental Health of Vulnerable Youth and their Transition to Adulthood: Examining the Role of the Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Runaway/Homeless Systems August 2009
Vulnerable Youth and the Transition to Adulthood: Youth with Depression/Anxiety
The transition to adulthood can be particularly challenging when a young adult experiences mental health problems. This fact sheet uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 to explore the young adult outcomes and adolescent risk behaviors of youth suffering from depression and anxiety as they make this transition. [5 PDF Pages]
ASPE Technical Expert Panel on Earlier Intervention for Serious Mental Illness: Summary of Major Themes
Current disability policy provides support for people with a mental illness once they are no longer able to work and thus qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Psychiatric Boarding Interview Summary
ASPE contracted with The Lewin Group to conduct interviews regarding boarding of psychiatric patients in the Emergency Department (ED). The goal of the interviews was to gain the perspective of ED Directors/ED Physicians, Department of Psychiatry Chairs/on-call Psychiatrists, and Nurse Case Managers/Social Workers in nine hospitals.
Literature Review
A Literature Review: Psychiatric Boarding
This literature review explores the relevant literature on several key questions regarding boarding of psychiatric patients in the emergency department (ED). Is psychiatric boarding a problem? What are the reasons for boarding psychiatric patients? What kind of care is received while patients are boarded?