Using a national Medicaid database, the report shows significant racial/ethnic disparities in mental health service use among children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mental Health
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Racial/Ethnic Differences in Children’s Mental Health Services Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Issue Brief
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) Demonstration Program
Per Section 223(d)(7)(A) of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) of 2014 (Public Law 113-93), the HHS Secretary must submit to Congress an annual report on the use of funds provided under all demonstration programs conducted under this subsection, not later than one year after the date on which the first state is selected for a demonstration program under this subsection, and annually t
ASPE Issue Brief
HHS Roadmap for Behavioral Health Integration
This brief introduces the HHS Roadmap for Behavioral Health Integration, which advances the President’s Strategy to Address our National Mental Health Crisis. It provides a general overview of the approach HHS is taking to drive toward integrated care within the three pillars of the President’s Strategy and highlights selected programs and policy actions that will get us there.
Survey on Substance Use Disorder Patient Placement Criteria and Assessments
To identify and address gaps in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment capacity, state and federal policymakers need information on the need and demand for different SUD levels of care. To develop this information, this project fielded a survey of Single State Agencies for Substance Use Services and Medicaid agencies to every state and the District of Columbia.
Environmental Scan
Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care: An Environmental Scan
This report provides an overview of transition services for clients graduating from Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC). CSC Programs have been successfully implemented across the US, including through support from the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant set aside funds for people with early psychosis.
ASPE Issue Brief
Transition Options, Opportunities for Integration, and Funding Considerations Following Coordinated Specialty Care Issue Brief
This brief is the third publication from the Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care study. It provides a short overview of the different approaches to continuity of care for young adults who have attended CSC programs and explores avenues for integration within programs and organizations as a way to support young adults following a completion of a CSC program.
The Coordinated Specialty Care Transition Study: Final Report
The Coordinated Specialty Care Transition Study: Final Report provides an overview of transition services for clients graduating from Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC). This the second publication from the Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care study.
Network Adequacy for Behavioral Health: Existing Standards and Considerations for Designing Standards
Network adequacy is often defined as having enough providers within a health plan network to ensure reasonable and timely access to care. At a minimum, health plans should include a sufficient number of providers who deliver mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) services (collectively referred to in this report as behavioral health services) to support access to those services.
ASPE Issue Brief
Child and Adolescent Mental Health During COVID-19: Considerations for Schools and Early Childhood Providers
COVID-19 pandemic’s social restrictions have prompted a surge in the mental health needs of children of all ages. Nationwide 4.3 million children/adolescents have been diagnosed with COVID-19 as of August 2021, and many of them have returned to early childhood and school settings. Schools and early childhood programs have long been essential settings for delivery of mental health services.
State Residential Treatment for Behavioral Health Conditions: Regulation and Policy
ABSTRACT: Residential treatment facilities are a key component of states' behavioral health systems. They form part of the spectrum of treatment for both mental and substance use disorders (M/SUDs).