This brief explores important trends in the child care industry during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and places those trends in a historical context. Specifically, we find:
Displaying 31 - 40 of 187. 10 per page. Page 4.
Advanced SearchDatabase, Dataset
State and Local Estimates of the Uninsured Population in the U.S. Using the Census Bureau’s 2021 American Community Survey
Methodological Description
ASPE Issue Brief
National and State Estimates of Children Living with Parents Using Substances, 2015–2019
This brief presents estimates of the number and percentage of children whose parents engage in problematic substance use, including past-year substance use and SUD by substance type and child demographics. Key findings include:
Avoiding Racial Bias in Child Welfare Agencies' Use of Predictive Risk Modeling
In recent years several researchers and child welfare agencies have begun developing predictive risk models to support child welfare decision-making. Predictive analytics is a sophisticated form of risk modeling that uses historical data to understand relationships between myriad factors to estimate a probability score for the outcome of interest.
How Increased Funding Can Advance the Mission of the Indian Health Service to Improve Health Outcomes for American Indians and Alaska Natives
This ASPE report discusses disparities in health and health care experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations, the role of the federal government in financing and providing health care services to these populations, and how enhanced funding could help further the Indian Health Service’s mission in ensuring that tribal communities have access to high quality health care s
Linking State Health Care Data to Inform Policymaking: Opportunities and Challenges
This posting includes a report prepared by the RAND Corporation, “State All Payer Claims Databases Understanding the Current Landscape and Challenges to Use,” which builds on a 2021 report “The History, Promise and Challenges of State All Payer Claims Databases.” The new report provides additional detail on the objectives of and use cases for APCDs, the current APCD landscape, and implementatio
ASPE Issue Brief
Connecting Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This infographic explores the impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on programs that support young people, ages 16-24, who experience disconnection from school and work, often referred to as "opportunity youth." It provides an overview of which education, job training, and supportive services, in addition to enrollment and implementation practices were added or ended during the first year (spring 20
Environmental Scan
Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care: An Environmental Scan
This report provides an overview of transition services for clients graduating from Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC). CSC Programs have been successfully implemented across the US, including through support from the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant set aside funds for people with early psychosis.
ASPE Issue Brief
Transition Options, Opportunities for Integration, and Funding Considerations Following Coordinated Specialty Care Issue Brief
This brief is the third publication from the Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care study. It provides a short overview of the different approaches to continuity of care for young adults who have attended CSC programs and explores avenues for integration within programs and organizations as a way to support young adults following a completion of a CSC program.
The Coordinated Specialty Care Transition Study: Final Report
The Coordinated Specialty Care Transition Study: Final Report provides an overview of transition services for clients graduating from Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC). This the second publication from the Continuity of Care Services Following Coordinated Specialty Care study.