This Issue Paper describes the ways that Medicaid is being used now and might be used in the future under provisions of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 to serve chronically homeless people. [67 PDF pages]
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Advanced SearchASPE Issue Brief
Evidence-Based Treatment for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder in State Medicaid Programs: Issue Brief
As the largest payer of mental health services in the United States, Medicaid programs have an opportunity to promote high-quality care for serious and persistent mental illnesses (SPMI) through the use of reimbursement strategies and policies that encourage the delivery of evidence-based practices (EBPs).
Developing Quality Measures for Medicaid Beneficiaries with Schizophrenia: Final Report
Despite enormous expenditures and innovations in treatment, the United States health care system does not consistently deliver effective treatment to individuals with serious mental illnesses. Health care reform promises to make insurance benefits newly available to many, eliminate inequitable
FY2013 Federal Medical Assistance Percentages
Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures; Federal Matching Shares for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or Disabled Persons for October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013
Web-based Screeners and Applications: Potential Tools for Improving Benefit Access and Program Efficiency
By: Emily Sama-Miller and Jacqueline Kauff Mathematica Policy Research
Value of Health Insurance: Few of the Uninsured Have Adequate Resources to Pay Potential Hospital Bills
ASPE RESEARCH BRIEF The Value of Health Insurance: Few of the Uninsured Have Adequate Resources to Pay Potential Hospital Bills May 2011
Environmental Scan
Medicaid and Permanent Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless: Literature Synthesis and Environmental Scan
This report reflects existing published and unpublished literature on permanent supportive housing (PSH) for people who are chronically homeless. It has a particular focus on the role that Medicaid currently plays in covering the costs of the supportive services that help people keep their housing and improve their health and quality of life.
Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) and Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (eFMAP), FY 2012
Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures; Federal Matching Shares for Medicaid, the Childrens Health Insurance Program, and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or Disabled Persons for FY 2012 [Federal Register Volume 75, Number 217 (Wednesday, November 10, 2010)][Notices]