The report Picture of Housing and Health (released by ASPE in 2014), found high prevalence of chronic conditions and higher health care utilization for HUD-assisted Medicare beneficiaries compared to unassisted beneficiaries. This second report seeks to understand whether the characteristics of the sample could explain the higher utilization.
Displaying 101 - 110 of 300. 10 per page. Page 11.
Advanced SearchASPE Issue Brief
Impacts Of The Affordable Care Act's Medicaid Expansion On Insurance Coverage Aand Access To Care
The Importance of Medicaid Coverage for Criminal Justice Involved Individuals Reentering Their Communities
The purpose of this issue brief is to highlight the importance of health insurance coverage for criminal justice involved individuals, particularly the importance of the expansion in Medicaid coverage made available through the Affordable Care Act.
Evaluation of the Medicaid Health Home Option for Beneficiaries with Chronic Conditions: Progress and Lessons from the First States Implementing Health Home Programs, Annual Report - Year Four
This report presents findings from the first four years of the five-year evaluation of Medicaid health homes, a new integrated care model authorized in Social Security Act Section 1945 and created by Section 2703 of the Affordable Care Act. The model is designed to target high-need, high-cost beneficiaries with chronic conditions or serious mental illness.
ASPE Issue Brief
Benefits of Medicaid Expansion for Behavioral Health
Across the country, state and local officials are increasingly focused on improving health outcomes for people living with mental illness or substance use disorders.
County Experiences with Medicaid Expansion Implementation: Case Study Report
In states with a county-administered Medicaid programs, counties face many decisions and challenges in implementing Medicaid expansions, from operations to outreach, enrollment and renewal.
FY2017 Federal Medical Assistance Percentages
ASPE FMAP 2017 REPORT Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures; Federal Matching Shares for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or Disabled Persons for October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017
Beyond Spend-down: The Prevalence and Process of Transitions to Medicaid
Brenda Spillman and Timothy Waidmann