Submitted to: Andrew Rock, Task Order Manager Office of Planning and Evaluation Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Ave., SW, Suite 447-D Washington, DC 20201 Delivery Order 27 Under Contract No. HHS-100-97-0017
Race & Ethnicity
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Advanced SearchTribal Self-Governance Health Care and Social Services Delivery Effectiveness Evaluation Feasibility Study: Draft Evaluation Issues, Questions, and Data Requirements
Submitted to:Andrew Rock, Task Order ManagerOffice of Planning and EvaluationDepartment of Health and Human Services200 Independence Ave., SW, Suite 447-DWashington, DC 20201
Tribal Self-Governance Health Care and Social Services Delivery Effectiveness Evaluation Feasibility Study: Draft Literature Review - Revised Report
Submitted to:Andrew Rock, Task Order ManagerOffice of Planning and EvaluationDepartment of Health and Human Services200 Independence Ave., SW, Suite 447-DWashington, DC 20201
Tribal Self-governance Demonstration Feasibility Study
Cover letter to the Honorable Ben Nighthorse CampbellThe Honorable Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Chairman, Senate Indian Affairs COmmittee
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Chairman Campbell:
Tribal Self-Governance Health Care and Social Services Delivery Effectiveness Evaluation Feasibility Study: Revised Draft of Background Materials
These revised drafts incorporate comments of the Technical Working Group."Cover MemoTO: Technical Working Group Members
Tribal Self-Governance Evaluation Feasibility Study
FROM: Kathy Langwell and Jo Ann Kauffman
DATE: March 7, 2003
SUBJECT: Revised Project Documents (attached)
Tribal Self-Governance Health Care and Social Services Delivery Effectiveness Evaluation Feasibility Study: Legislative History and Development of Tribal Self-Governance and Contracting - Revised Report
Submitted by:Westat1650 Research Blvd.Rockville, MD 20850