This report describes validation of claims-based frailty algorithms for potential use in Medicare claims.
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Reviewing, Refining, and Validating Claims-Based Algorithms of Frailty and Functional Impairment
Report, Research Summary
EHR Implementation Guide – Identifying Frailty Using Existing Health Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Health Systems
RAND identified use cases on identifying frailty using electronic health record (EHR) data in health systems in the US and examples from other countries, which demonstrate applications in both primary and specialist care. The final EHR implementation guide summarizes the learnings from participants in the EHR Learning Network and the identified use cases.
Fact Sheet
Inflation Reduction Act Research Series: Projected Impacts for Asian, Black, and Latino Medicare Enrollees
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is helping people with Medicare afford their medications, including the 2.1 million Asian, 5.8 million Black, and 5.3 million Latino Part D enrollees. These fact sheets review existing research to present the projected impacts of key IRA Medicare drug-related provisions for these populations.
ASPE Issue Brief
Medicaid HCBS State Policy Flexibilities During COVID
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, states used Appendix K, a standalone appendix available during emergency situations, to modify their existing Medicaid HCBS 1915(c) waiver programs. Using Appendix K, states can make to make temporary changes to access and eligibility, payment, services, and other aspects of their waiver programs.
Interventions to Prevent Older Adult Suicide: Final Report
Despite the increasing evidence of high suicide rates and associated risk factors for older adults in the United States, the number of programs addressing these risk factors remains limited.
Fact Sheet, Report
Inflation Reduction Act Research Series: Understanding Development and Trends in Utilization and Spending for Drugs Selected Under the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to negotiate prices directly with participating manufacturers for selected drugs that are high expenditure, single source drugs without generic or biosimilar competition.
ASPE Issue Brief
Caregivers and Long-Term Services and Supports
As the United States population ages, a larger proportion of individuals will likely need and use long-term services and supports (LTSS). Much of this support is provided by informal (i.e., unpaid) caregivers. For those that need paid LTSS, most Americans pay out-of-pocket. Some may do so until their personal resources are exhausted, and then rely on the Medicaid safety net.
Assessing Outcomes Relevant for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Among Adults Aged 18–64 with Disabilities and Federal Data Infrastructure Opportunities
This report and dataset inventory identifies individual-level measures for conducting patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) relevant to adults with disabilities, aged 18–64 years.
ASPE Issue Brief
Helping People with Low Incomes Navigate Benefit Cliffs: Lessons Learned Deploying a Marginal Tax Rate Calculator
This project developed a calculator to help people anticipate how a change in earnings from employment would affect their net income, and in so doing, provide public benefit recipients with their estimated effective marginal tax rate on new earnings.
Key Points:
Ownership of Hospitals: An Analysis of Newly-Released Federal Data & A Method for Assessing Common Owners
To enhance transparency in health care markets, in December 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) publicly released comprehensive data on the ownership of all U.S. hospitals that are enrolled in Medicare. This report provides an overview of the available data, a methodology for assigning hospitals to chains, and several preliminary analyses to showcase the data.