This brief summarizes an expert convening focused on the child support program’s current ability and future potential to help address child poverty.Key Findings
Age, Gender & Gender Identities
Displaying 31 - 40 of 1032. 10 per page. Page 4.
Advanced SearchReport, Research Summary
Factors that Impact the Child Support Program’s Role in Reducing Child Poverty: Convening Summary
ASPE Issue Brief
Medicaid: The Health and Economic Benefits of Expanding Eligibility
This Issue Brief examines the impact of Medicaid throughout its six decades and highlights the importance of Medicaid coverage for low-income children and adults. The brief reviews studies showing that access to Medicaid coverage is associated with a significant improvement in health and mortality.
ASPE Issue Brief
Opioid Use Treatment of Pregnant/Postpartum Women and their Children
This study represents findings from a descriptive analysis of a linked mother-child Medicaid claims dataset to examine the characteristics of pregnant women who use medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) or intensive behavioral health treatment; additional analysis describes the mental health and neurodevelopment outcomes of their children at one year and three years.
Environmental Scan, Report
Best Practices for COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), in partnership with Mathematica, are conducting a comprehensive study to identify promising practices aimed at reducing disparities in COVID-19 vaccination and testing, and policy options to promote equitable, routine vaccination.
ASPE Data Point
Factsheet: Estimates of Child Care Subsidy Eligibility & Receipt for Fiscal Year 2021
Key Points:
Report to Congress
Report to Congress - The Burden of Cardiovascular Disease in the United States: Patterns and Barriers to Care
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a broad category of diseases affecting approximately half of American adults. Despite progress in treatment and management, CVD still has a large health, mortality, and economic burden. This report to Congress describes CVD and its adverse health outcomes, as well as certain risk factors and prevention and treatment options.
ASPE Issue Brief
Nursing Home Closures Did Not Increase in 2020 and 2021, Despite Financial Challenges Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic Issue Brief
Nursing homes experienced unprecedented financial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, raising concerns about a potential increase in nursing home closures.
Research Brief
Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Differences in COVID-19 Diagnosis and Mortality Among Nursing Home Residents
Nursing homes have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there were racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic differences in COVID-19 infection and mortality rates at both the nursing home resident and nursing home facility levels. The study includes national data on COVID-19 outcomes for nursing home residents through the end of June 2021.
Report to Congress
Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis in the United States: An Update from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
This report has been prepared by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), Office on Women's Health (OWH) and the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in concert with other HHS agencies within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This report discusses activities and outcomes of HHS programs addressing the maternal health crisis.
ASPE Issue Brief
Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program: Medicare Prices Negotiated for 2026 Compared to List and U.S. Market Prices
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) makes improvements to Medicare to increase accessibility and affordability of prescription drugs for Medicare enrollees, reduce the rate of growth in Medicare drug spending, and improve the financial sustainability of the Medicare program.