This paper presents the Survey of Income and Program Participation data on child care for working guardians on AFDC. These guardians use care by relatives 58% of the time for their youngest children under 6. They are thus using informal care arrangements which are generally free or low cost instead of more formal arrangements, for which one generally must pay.
Age, Gender & Gender Identities
Displaying 1021 - 1030 of 1033. 10 per page. Page 103.
Advanced SearchUsage of Different Kinds of Child Care: An Analysis of the SIPP Data Base
Data are presented to defend the theory that families use the kind of care which is available to them and affordable.
Foster Care for Children and Adults with Handicaps: Child Welfare and Adult Social Services Final Report
This report summarizes state-by-state data on the number of children and adults in foster homes administered by child welfare or social service agencies. As of December 1985, there were approximately 261,000 children in out-of-home foster care, including 54,000 handicapped children, of whom 14,000 were mentally retarded.
Databook on the Elderly: A Statistical Portrait - Executive Summary
Michele Adler, Suzanne Kitchen, and Albert Irion June 1987 This report was prepared under task order contract #HHS-100-84-0036 between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Macro Systems, Inc.
Report to Congress
Report to Congress on Identifying Individuals at Risk of Institutionalization
This report to Congress responds to a mandate of the Orphan Drug Act (P.L.97-414, January 4, 1983), which called for the Secretary of HHS to conduct demonstration projects to test methods for identifying individuals at risk of institutional placement who could be treated more cost-effectively with home health and other non-institutional services.
Report to the Secretary
Report to the Secretary on Private Financing of Long-Term Care for the Elderly
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Assessment and Care Planning for the Frail Elderly: A Problem Specific Approach
This problem-specific approach describes various circumstances likely to be encountered among frail elderly persons in the community. Each problem area includes a comprehensive list of items that should be considered by a case manager. Model care plans are also included. This document can be used for training case managers in the specifics of effective assessment and case management.
Day Care Centers: 1976-1984--Has Supply Kept Up With Demand?
This paper analyzes the growth of day care center capacity in the U.S. over two points in time, 1976 and 1984, and compares it to the change in potential demand for day care caused by the increased number of mothers with young children who were in the labor force. It concludes that day care center supply increased more than the number of young children who have mothers in the labor force.
Informal Care to the Impaired Elderly: Report of the National Long Term Care Demonstration Survey of Informal Caregivers
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The Effects of Case Management and Community Services on the Impaired Elderly
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services