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Displaying 1651 - 1700 of 4407

In the Running for Successful Outcomes: Exploring the evidence for Thresholds of School Readiness Technical Report

This study represents a multi-method approach to examining the evidence for thresholds in the association between children's school readiness and subsequent academic, social and emotional outcomes, both within and across domains. In addition to a literature review, multiple analytical methods were applied to two national data sets to examine these issues.

Children in Nonparental Care

RESEARCH BRIEF Children in Nonparental Care December 2012 By: Sharon Vandivere, Ana Yrausquin, Tiffany Allen, Karin Malm and Amy McKlindon Abstract Typically, on

Children in Nonparental Care: A Review of the Literature and Analysis of Data Gaps

ASPE REPORT Children in Nonparental Care: A Review of the Literature and Analysis of Data Gaps December 2012 By: Sharon Vandivere, Ana Yrausquin, Tiffany Allen, Karin Malm and Amy McKlindon

In the Running for Successful Outcomes: Exploring the evidence for Thresholds of School Readiness Technical Report

ASPE Report   By: Tamara G. Halle, Elizabeth C. Hair, Margaret Buchinal, Rachel Anderson, and Martha Zaslow Prepared for: Laura Radel Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

CHIPRA Mandated Evaluation of Express Lane Eligibility: First Year Findings

By: Sheila Hoag, Sean Orzol, Margaret Colby, Adam Swinburn, Fredric Blavin, Genevieve M. Kenney, Michael Hutnress Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. Abstract

State of the Science and Practice in Parenting Interventions across Childhood: Literature Review and Synthesis

ASPE REPORT State of the Science and Practice in Parenting Interventions across Childhood: Literature Review and Synthesis December 2012 By: Meredith Kelsey and Jean Layzer Abstract

In the Running for Successful Outcomes: Examining the Predictive Power of Children's School Readiness Skills

Child Welfare
This research brief explores the relative strength of association between skills at school entry and later developmental outcomes both within and across domains of development. It highlights findings from a project aimed at providing an empirical exploration of differential prediction of outcomes in later elementary school from school entry skills considered individually and collectively.

CHIPRA Mandated Evaluation of Express Lane Eligibility: First Year Findings

This evaluation describes existing state Express Lane Eligibility (ELE) programs including the administrative costs and ELE enrollment trends, estimates the impact of ELE adoption on total enrollment, and previews the issues that will be examined through future evaluation activities.

Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Payment Methods and Spending in 20 States

ASPE Report By: Brigette Courtot, Teresa Coughlin, and Emily Lawton The Urban Institute, Washington, DC Abstract

State of the Science and Practice in Parenting Interventions across Childhood: Literature Review and Synthesis

In 2009 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) funded a project designed to better understand how to support parents throughout children’s development in order to ultimately promote positive long-term outcomes; in particular, positive adolescent development and reductions in risky behavior.

Children in Nonparental Care

Typically, one or two parents and a child – along with any siblings – comprise a family, and the parents’ interactions with the child are a primary driver of the child’s development. Yet nearly 4 percent of U.S. children (nearly 3 million) live in homes with no parent present.

Children in Nonparental Care: A Review of the Literature and Analysis of Data Gaps

Typically, one or two parents and a child–along with any siblings–comprise a family, and the parents’ interactions with the child are a primary driver of the child’s development. Yet nearly 4 percent of U.S. children (nearly 3 million) live in homes with no parent present.

FY2014 Federal Medical Assistance Percentages

ASPE FMAP 2014 REPORT Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures; Federal Matching Shares for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or Disabled Persons for October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014

FY2014 Federal Medical Assistance Percentages

Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures; Federal Matching Shares for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or Disabled Persons for October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014

Trends in Premiums in the Small Group and Individual Insurance Markets, 2008-2011

PRESENTED TO: Thomas D. Musco U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW Room 447D Washington, DC 20201 202-690-7272

Providing Medicaid to Youth Formerly in Foster Care under the Chafee Option

ASPE Report Providing Medicaid to Youth Formerly in Foster Care under the Chafee Option: Informing Implementation of the Affordable Care Act November 2012 By: Michael R. Pergamit, Marla McDaniel, Vicki Chen, Embry Howell, Amelia Hawkins

Web-Based Benefit Access Tools: Mitigating Barriers for Special Needs Populations

This paper summarizes findings from eight in-depth case studies conducted for the "Helping Vulnerable Populations Access Public Benefits through Web-based Tools and Outreach" project.

Information on Research Supplemental Poverty Measure. A Summary of 2012 Current Population Survey Data

This ASPE Issue Brief provides information on the research Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) calculated by the Census Bureau. In 2011, 16.1 percent of the U.S. population was poor using the SPM, representing 49.7 million individuals. This compares to 15.1 percent of the U.S. population, or 46.6 million individuals, under the official measure.

Information on Research Supplemental Poverty Measure. A Summary of 2012 Current Population Survey Data

The Census Bureau recently released data on the research supplemental poverty measure (SPM) indicating that 16.1 percent of the U.S. population in 2011 was poor, representing 49.7 million individuals. This compares to 15.1 percent of the U.S.

Providing Medicaid to Youth Formerly in Foster Care under the Chafee Option

This report draws lessons from 30 states’ implementation of existing optional Medicaid coverage for youth who age out of foster care and applies them to decisions and plans states will consider as they implement new ACA coverage that goes into effect in 2014.

Inside the Black Box of Interactions Between Programs and Participants

This report is scheduled for release in mid March. It is the final report of a project exploring evidence-based strategies for reliably identifying subgroups of low-income fathers at the outset of evaluations.

Using Systematic Reviews to Inform Policy Initiatives: Lessons from the HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Review

In fall 2009, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched a systematic review of the research literature on programs to prevent teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and associated sexual risk behaviors. Findings have been used to inform two new federal policy initiatives aimed at supporting evidence-based approaches to teen pregnancy prevention.

Early Intervention Financing and Resources: Final Report

This report presents findings from a study of the implementation of coordinated specialty care services provided to individuals who are experiencing the early stages of schizophrenia as part of the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH’s) Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE)

Using Systematic Reviews to Inform Policy Initiatives: Lessons from the HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Review

ASPE Research Brief Using Systematic Reviews to Inform Policy Initiatives: Lessons from the HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Review November 2012 By: Brian GoeslingMathematica Policy Research, Inc.

Early Intervention Financing and Resources: Final Report

This report presents findings from a study of the implementation of coordinated specialty care services provided to individuals who are experiencing the early stages of schizophrenia as part of the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH’s) Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE) initiative.

Medicaid Substance Abuse Treatment Spending: Findings Report

Medical expenditures to treat a SA disorder were $3.4 billion in calendar year (CY) 2008, received by 1.1 million persons averaging $3,000 per service user per year. This spending amounted to slightly less than 1.0% of the total $334 billion spent on Medicaid, and provided care to about 1.9% of the 61 million persons covered by Medicaid. [131 PDF pages]

Developing Medicare and Medicaid Substance Abuse Treatment Spending Estimates

This is a supplemental report to the final report of a study jointly funded by ONDCP and ASPE (Medicaid Substance Abuse Treatment Spending: Findings Report). This technical report provides more detail on the methods used to make estimates, and it also describes how MPR would make similar estimates of Medicare funding for substance abuse treatment, if requested to do so. [29 PDF pages]

Developing Medicare and Medicaid Substance Abuse Treatment Spending Estimates

This is a supplemental report to the final report of a study jointly funded by ONDCP and ASPE (Medicaid Substance Abuse Treatment Spending: Findings Report). This technical report provides more detail on the methods used to make estimates, and it also describes how MPR would make similar estimates of Medicare funding for substance abuse treatment, if requested to do so. [29 PDF pages]

Estimated Savings of $5,000 to Each Medicare Beneficiary from Enactment Through 2022 Under the Affordable Care Act

This report provides estimates of Medicare Parts A, B, and D savings from the Affordable Care Act to seniors and people living with disabilities enrolled in traditional Medicare.

Estimated Savings of $5,000 to Each Medicare Beneficiary from Enactment Through 2022 Under the Affordable Care Act

This report provides estimates of Medicare Parts A, B, and D savings from the Affordable Care Act to seniors and people living with disabilities enrolled in traditional Medicare.

Evaluation Planning and Tools for Front of Package Nutrition Labeling. Final Report

Front-of-package (FOP) nutrition labeling systems are tools that can help consumers choose healthy diets consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It is expected that consumers’ use of nutrition information when making food purchasing decisions will improve their dietary choices and result in their reduced risk of obesity and chronic diseases.

Estimates of Child Care Eligibility and Receipt for Fiscal Year 2009

Child Care
This ASPE Issue Brief details estimates of federal child care assistance eligibility and receipt for 2009. About 18 percent of federally-eligible children received subsidized care through CCDF or related government funding streams in an average month in fiscal year 2009.

Evaluation Planning and Tools for Front of Package Nutrition Labeling. Final Report

  Evaluation Planning and Tools for Front of Package Nutrition LabelingFinal Report September 2012 By Andrea S. Anater Kelly Wohlgenant Sheryl Cates James Hersey Mary K. Muth, Dan Zaccaro, Chen Zhen RTI International

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