Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis and treatment among adults in the United States have increased over the past few decades. However, there are sex, racial, and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment, and underdiagnosis persists.
Telehealth & Virtual Service Delivery
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Assessing the Feasibility of Creating a National Behavioral Health Workforce Database
The U.S. behavioral health (BH) workforce faces significant shortages and distribution disparities, hindering access to quality care and worsening health outcomes. A comprehensive, centralized database of BH providers is vital for advancing patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR), comparative effectiveness research (CER), and evidence-based policymaking.
ASPE Issue Brief
Medicaid Behavioral Health Providers Delivering Most Behavioral Health Services via Telehealth Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Issue Brief
The goal of this study was to examine the extent to which Medicaid providers who deliver behavioral health services shifted their practices to mostly tele-behavioral health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ASPE Issue Brief
Trends in Medicaid and CHIP Telehealth, 2019-2021 Part II: Medicaid and CHIP Telehealth Utilization Trends by Enrollee and Provider Rurality
During the pandemic period, telehealth utilization increased among both urban and rural enrollees in Medicaid, with urban enrollees sustaining greater gains in telehealth utilization at the end of 2021. This Issue Brief is part of a series of ASPE Issue Briefs examining changes in Medicaid utilization of services delivered via telehealth by enrollee and provider characteristics.
ASPE Issue Brief
Use of Medicare-Covered Telerehabilitation for PT/OT/SLP Services during the COVID-19 PHE
This study examined the extent therapist practices and nursing homes adopted telehealth services for physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), and speech-language pathology (SLP); explored the major challenges and facilitators in adopting telerehabilitation services, and whether these services were effective in addressing patient care and staffing needs during the public health emergenc
Health Information Technology Adoption and Utilization in Behavioral Health Settings: Final Report
Health Information Technology (HIT) was identified as a critical component of the HHS Roadmap for Behavioral Health Integration. To support the implementation of the Roadmap, an ASPE study was conducted to provide an overview of HIT adoption and utilization among behavioral health providers.
ASPE Data Point
Trends in In-Person and Telehealth-Involved Controlled Medication Initiations Among Adults with Private Insurance
Since March 2020, HHS and DEA have allowed health care practitioners to initiate controlled medications via a telehealth visit without first conducting an in-person medical evaluation, representing a substantial change in how these medications, and the conditions they are used to treat, can be managed.
ASPE Issue Brief
Understanding the Optimal Balance of Using Telehealth and In-person Services to Support Adults with Serious Mental Illness and Children with Serious Emotional Disturbance
This brief summarizes findings from a research project that examined access to and use of tele-mental health services among individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) and children with serious emotional disturbance (SED) and behavioral health consumer and provider perceptions of the optimal balance of telehealth and in-person services for people with SMI and SED.
ASPE Issue Brief
Barriers and Opportunities for Improving Interstate Licensure Portability for Behavioral Health Practitioners: Technical Expert Panel Findings Issue Brief
In October 2022, ASPE convened a virtual technical expert panel (TEP) to discuss policy options that encourage interstate licensure among behavioral health providers.
ASPE Issue Brief
Tele-Behavioral Health Use Among Medicare Beneficiaries During COVID-19
This issue brief summarizes analyses of Medicare fee-for-service data examining beneficiary use of tele-behavioral health services during 2019 and 2020. Results demonstrate that the number of Medicare beneficiaries receiving behavioral health care via telehealth increased dramatically during the COVID-19 public health emergency.