Individuals returning to the community from prisons and jails face numerous barriers to reentry, and securing safe, stable housing is often the most immediate challenge. Housing is a vital element of successful reentry.
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Advanced SearchASPE Issue Brief
Medical Respite Programs: A Critical Service for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
People experiencing homelessness often have complex health care and social service needs which present significant care challenges to hospitals, such as longer lengths of stays, higher readmission rates, and complicated chronic illnesses.
Fact Sheet
ASPE’s Recent Contributions to Achieving Health and Well-Being Equity
ASPE serves as a facilitator for HHS to advance equity in several ways.
Addressing Homelessness Among Older Adults
The number of older adults at risk of and currently experiencing homelessness has increased rapidly in recent years, a trend that is projected to continue and further accelerate. Older adults at risk of or experiencing homelessness have unique needs compared to other populations experiencing homelessness.
ASPE Issue Brief
Individuals Experiencing Homelessness are Likely to have Medical Conditions Associated with Severe Illness from COVID-19 Issue Brief
This brief uses a proprietary dataset of electronic health records to describe the prevalence rates of chronic health conditions associated with a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 among people with a history of homelessness. The paper found that for many of the health conditions examined, people with a history of homelessness have greater prevalence than the general population.
Literature Review
Housing Options for Recovery for Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder: A Literature Review
This environmental scan is part of a larger project whose purpose is to help the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and HUD describe the housing programs available for individuals with OUD who experience housing instability or homelessness.
Executive Summary and Screening Tools: Pretesting A Human Trafficking Screening Tool in the Child Welfare and Runaway and Homeless Youth Systems
This executive summary provides key takeaways from a longer report to a study that developed and pre-tested a Human Trafficking Screening Tool (HTST) with youth in runaway and homeless youth and child welfare settings. This document also includes both the full, 19-item HTST and a shorter, 6-question form of the tool.
Head Start Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness: Trends, Characteristics, and Program Services
This research brief presents findings on the characteristics of Head Start children and families that experienced homelessness, as well as services Head Start programs reported providing to these vulnerable children and families, using data from the 2009 cohort of the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey.
Serious Mental Illness and Prolonged Youth Homelessness
Research about adults experiencing chronic homelessness shows a relationship with serious mental illness. This brief aims to explore whether this same intersection between prolonged homelessness and serious mental illness exists among youth.
Factors Associated with Prolonged Youth Homelessness
Organizations can use their resources more efficiently to reduce and end prolonged youth homelessness if they know who they are trying to serve, and the issues that these youth face.This brief aims to summarize factors associated with prolonged episodes of homelessness among youth.