ASPE initiated a study of WIA and TANF coordination to understand better and assess the degree to which TANF and WIA programs work together to further their mutual policy goals at a time when both programs were undergoing congressional reauthorization. The report presents information on how WIA participation and services for individuals receiving TANF and other low-income populations may be affected by TANF and WIA program context, management structures, policies, and administrative arrangements. Findings are based primarily on in-depth visits to seven purposively selected one-stop centers in Anoka County, MN; Dakota County, MN; San Angelo, TX; Round Rock, TX; Bridgeport, CT; West Oxnard, CA; and Edgecombe/Nash Counties, NC. [52 PDF pages]
Serving TANF and Low-Income Populations through WIA One-Stop Centers
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report.pdf (pdf, 623.43 KB)
| Welfare, Welfare Reform, & TANF
| Service Delivery & Capacity Building
| Employment & Self-Sufficiency
| Access to Services and Benefits & Services Integration
Low-Income Populations
| Fathers
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)