This research report details the impact findings from the evaluation of three replications of the Safer Sex Intervention (SSI), a clinic-based intervention intended to reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and increase condom use among high-risk sexually active female adolescents. The study examined data from three different replications of SSI, pooling the data to examine the overall program impact. Interim findings from the 9-month follow-up indicated a positive impact on young women’s use of birth control when they engaged in sexual intercourse: program participants were 6% less likely to have unprotected sex than non-participants. At the 18-month follow-up, this effect was smaller and no longer significant, although there was still a 3% difference in the incidence of unprotected sex between program participants and non-participants. At the 18-month follow-up, there was a promising effect on pregnancy that was not statistically significant (p=.07): fewer program participants reported a pregnancy compared to non-participants (16% vs. 19.4%). Across all three replications, SSI was delivered with fidelity to its key elements and sites retained the majority of program participants over the six-month intervention period. The report also details findings for non-behavioral intermediate outcomes (i.e., knowledge, attitudes and intentions) and results from exploratory analyses examining differences in impacts by site and by subgroup (e.g., by age and sexual experience at baseline).
Safer Sex Intervention: Final Impact Report from the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Replication Study
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Product Type
| Mothers
| Fathers
| Families with Children
Location- & Geography-Based Data
National Data